Sunday, September 4, 2011



Ubiquitous: Existing,

or being everywhere,

all at the same time.

The Spirit of the Universe

is ubiquitous.


People try to give a Higher Power the same senses that people have,

but does the Energy of the Universe see, hear, taste, smell, or sense the touch

as people do??

Having a God that is like man is not the same as man being like God.

I have never heard of a ubiquitous man, have you ???

Believe whatever you want to believe, it is your choice,

but remember, a Higher Power gave you the chance.

Know that there is a God and it is not you.

Know that a Power Greater than ourselves can guide

our minds, hearts and souls to enjoy a happy existence.

Serenity, peace of mind and contentment are the rewards

of knowing that a Power Greater than ourselves will be

the final determiner when it is time to end all time, as we know it.

Attitude is ubiquitous, and your attitudes well being

is directly proportional to the strength of your spirituality.

Spirituality is your faith , your belief, in an ubiquitous Higher Power.

who represents a Universe full of love, happiness and peace.

Faith is knowing that a Higher Power put you on this earth

to carry the message of ubiquitous kindness.

Living is not a part time endeavor, living is not a self-centered occupation,

living is doing the will of the Spirit of the Universe.

Nourish and protect the physical body that is the home

to your God given senses, the means to know His world.

Nourish and expand your mind so that you never have

to fear that which is ubiquitous.

Always love and allow your heart to reach out to others so

that they may receive guidance from a Higher Power

who speaks through your words and actions.

Nourish your spirit with meditation and believe that your soul is one,

omnipresent, with the kind, happy and loving ubiquitous Spirit of the Universe.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly

and have faith in what you chose to believe, knowing that

the Spirit of the Universe will understand ubiquitously.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss
 Photo credit: Gail Ackerman

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