Thursday, March 10, 2011

Judge and Jury

"I was


by a


I should



for a


~ George Burns


When we decide to become judge and jury we become the teller of bad jokes,

and the joke is always on us.

When someone pulls a prank or worse on someone else it is a joke, however,

when the same prank or worse is done to us it becomes not so funny 

or possibly even a crime.

We must not judge for others with different standards

than we would expect for ourselves.

"The jury consist of twelve persons
chosen to decide
who has the better lawyer."
   ~ Robert Frost

Do better than the common laws of man, choose to do the will of a Higher Power.

In the eyes of the ultimate judge, who made everyone worthy of respect, 

we have but one standard, one law, to be capable of loving everyone 

just as God made them.

To love is to trust, not to judge.

Do not judge a man by his religion.

Do not judge a man by his race.

Do not judge a man by his ethnic background.

Do not judge a person because of their sexual preferences. 

Judge a person by how much love they have to give.

Different people believe that the will of God can be interpreted 

more than one way, unfortunately, many religions believe that

their interpretation is the only correct one.

Do not judge the people and do not judge their interpretations,

because the foundation for all religions is a loving Higher Power.

Love yourself.

Love your family.

Love your neighbor.

Love your country.

Love your religion.

Support those people and their causes that spread love and well being for all.

Love a Higher Power that has created this wonderful world we live in.

Treat this world with kindness and love.

"If you violate Nature's laws you are
your own prosecuting attorney,
judge, jury, and hangman."
~ Luther Burbank

If you must be judge or jury today, do so with love and compassion.

Discipline your child so that they may understand that

loving and sharing is the will of God.

Discipline the drunk and addict so that they understand

that they have a disease that can be cured by love.

Discipline the greedy and the selfish who are the cause

of today's world financial crises, and show no mercy.

Ooops, if you can't give them love, give them the Golden Rule.

Pray for diplomatic successes to have the religions of

the world agree to live in peaceful coexistence.

"If you judge people,
you have no time to love them."
   ~ Mother Teresa

Be happy, laugh, cry, feel and spread the love.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


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