Tuesday, March 1, 2011


“Life and love
life and love, 

a bunch of violets
is a
bunch of violets, 

and to drag in the idea
of a point is to
ruin everything. 

Live and let live,
love and let love,
flower and fade, 

and follow the natural curve, 
which flows on, pointless.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

There is no point, no conclusion, no explanation
and there is no end to love, why ruin it with words,
smile, hug, go with the flow and just feel the love.
God, eternity and love are our pointless attempts to
make ourselves believe that we know, that we are in control.

A Higher Power will let us know when.

"What is the point?
The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines."  BB pp60

The Spirit of the Universe is love, unconditional and to a fault, pointless.
Keep it simple, go with the flow, do the next right thing.

Love is never having to make a point.

Love is helping someone love themselves.

ME and the Boss

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