Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Good Plan



Have a good day,

unless you've

made other plans.


"Efforts and Courage

are not enough without

Purpose and Direction."

~ John F. Kennedy



You know well about the best laid plans

of mice and men, however, without a thought

nothing ever happens.

Some people are morning thinkers, others think they know better after dark.

Some people plan weeks in advance, others plan a minute before the action begins.

Actions and Attitudes, you need a plan for both.

Go to work, with a good Attitude.

Go to school, with a good Attitude.

Do the household chores, with a good Attitude.

Run the shopping errands, with a good Attitude.

Meet with friends and family, with a good Attitude.

Smile when you answer the telephone,

the person on the other end can hear your Attitude.

At the end of the day you may have not done all that you had planned,

but if you kept to your plan of doing whatever you did with a good Attitude,

you will have had a good day.

You should have a basic plan that works for you, a plan that makes every day

start out well and end well.

A good way to start your day is to make a gratitude list. Try to get your attitude

on the good feelings side of your emotional barometer before you plan anything else.

To enhance your plan for today try to find the time to help one other person.

Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.

Have a good attitude, a good plan and share with others who may need your guidance.

There is more than enough bad advice and bad attitudes in the world already,

no need for you to add to the pile.

You may not be able to change the world, but you can change you.

Live in the now, but plan as though your Higher Power has more for you to do.

Doing the will of a loving God knowing that being of service to self,

others and your Higher Power is always the best plan.

"The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness."   ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

An attitude of happiness is a good plan.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






Sunday, April 22, 2012

Who Goes There?

. Luck,




by any name,

it is God's way

of remaining


Good things happen to good people.
Bad people often get away with things, because God wants to give them a second chance.
Eventually the Piper is to be paid.

"However great an evil immorality may be,
we must not forget that it is not without its beneficial consequences.
It is only through extremes that men can arrive
at the middle path of wisdom and virtue."    ~ Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt

It is not all about you.

This is a world that is linked together by choices and chance.
The choices are yours to make, the chances are God given.

Keep it simple, make today the best day of your life.

Chose to allow the philosophers to philosophize, and live your life in the real world,
connected to other real people.

Choose to be positive.

Choose to be happy.

Choose to love.

Choose to share the good.

Let God determine the consequences. God will give you what you need.

You will become wise and virtuous by learning from the people
that God will put into your life.

Remember, do not kill the messenger, even when some of God's lessons
are given to us by those who practice evil immorality.

"Perhaps we're too embarrassed to change or too frightened
of the consequences of showing that we actually care.
But why not risk it anyway? Begin Today.
Carry out a random act of seemingly senseless kindness,
with no expectation of reward or punishment.
Safe in the knowledge that one day, someone,
somewhere, might do the same for you."       ~ Diana, Princess of Wales,1961-1997

Learn today so that you may teach today.
Today, the will of your Higher Power is to teach His lessons.
Today, do not be the teacher of the immoral lesson.
Today, be the teacher of patience, tolerance, kindness and love.
Do not rely on luck or serendipity, doing the will of a Higher Power
is much more likely to give you the serenity and peace of mind that
you seek and will make today worth living for.

Today, practice doing random acts of senseless kindness.
Pray for what you want, but know that God will give you more than you need.
Who goes there? Your anonymous God.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.



ME and the Boss






Monday, April 16, 2012



May your

moral compass

always point






"Conscience is a man's compass."        ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Check the map of your life, your moral conscious and if you consciously
seek happiness today, you will find it. Have an attitude of gratitude.

Thank your Higher Power for giving you another day to celebrate living
a life of service. Happiness is looking for the things in life that are pleasing.
If your compass is upside down you will find trouble. Look for the negative
and you will find it. Dwell on the negative and you will be miserable.
Live in today, the here and now, and do your best to keep your compass
right side up. Do not know where your compass is, look inside of yourself.

If you do not know which way your compass is pointing, ask a friend.
Keep life a simple matter, check your moral compass on an as needed basis,
and make sure it is always pointed towards the better things for everyone.
Lying, cheating and stealing only complicate ones life.
Do not rely solely on your thinking, sometimes your best thinking
is what may put you in harms way.

Learn to rely on your feelings and be aware of when your compass
may be out of alignment with the will of your Higher Power.
When you know in your heart that this is the best you can do,
be happy and enjoy.

Live up to your expectations for yourself, not the expectations
others may have for you.

Compasses never need fixing.

You are lying if you say your compass is broken, you are cheating if you hold
your finger on the needed and do not feel what is in your heart, you are stealing
when you try to manipulate the compass of another person.

God has given everyone a compass; learn to use your compass often and wisely.
Share your compass with others until they learn how to read their own.
Do not try to be the compass of another person, unless they ask,
or the judge request that you sit on the jury.

God is His own judge and jury; He does not need your help.

Keep your compass clean so you may see it clearly.
Avoid the dark when it becomes impossible to see your compass.

Today, may all of your compass points be good feelings of happiness,
kindness, patience and tolerance, love and understanding, and willingness
to do the next right thing.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves

ME and the Boss






Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Don't Quit

. Do something, anything,
and be happy with what you
have learned, even if what
you did was not up to your

As long as you try something
you will learn something.

You may learn that you must
try harder.
You may learn that you should
not try so hard.
You may learn that you need to be
better prepared to try something.
You may learn that it was too easy,
no challenge.
You may learn that it was too hard,
too frustrating.
You may learn that it was enjoyable
and worth a repeat.
You may learn that it was a terrible experience,
not worth the effort and definitely not something to be done again.

It does not matter what you are doing; work, play, chores, relationships, teaching the children,
there will be many different ways of attempting to complete your goal. Rate your task; easy, hard, impossible, and take on the easiest ones first, unless an urgency is demanding your attention. Completing an easy task teaches you a sense of rewarding accomplishment and will motivate you
to try to learn more. Be prepared. Even the easiest jobs or chores can be made easier if you are
using the right tool for the job. Ask for help, someone may have done that job before and they may know a few tricks and shortcuts that can make mole hills out of a mountain. Let a pro do it.
If a job needs immediate attention and you do not have six years to wait until you get your doctorate in how to solve the world’s problems, ask a pro and let a qualified expert make your life easier.
You will know that the job was done right, the job was done on time, and that you can take credit
for knowing your limits. You did not quit, the expert just happened to be the right tool for the job
and you were smart enough to know which tool to use.

"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,
can change the outer aspects of their lives.” ~ William James

Things will change, whether you get involved or not. Today, decide what you want to get involved
in and do your best to make it better. Start with getting involved in your own happiness. Learn to know the difference between what you need and what you want and if you do not know, ask your Higher Power to teach you the difference. Do not get involved in other peoples affairs, unless ask
to. Today do not say "I know." Today, do the will of your Higher Power. Today, open your heart
and love those who need it. Today, pray for the sick and miserable that they may find peace in their own back yard instead of trying to seek their happiness by trashing your garden.

Today, don't quit, learn from the experience.

Happiness is having friends that care and love to share.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss






Friday, April 6, 2012



There is

a God



it is

not me.



Humility is not bowing down to another person.
Humility is accepting the will of your Higher Power.
It takes strength and courage to be a humble person.
For most of us, being safe is the will of our Higher Power, we do not associate with people
who are not healthy, we do not go to places were temptation dwells, and we do not do things
that will cause us to regret our actions. The wrong people, places and things can destroy our
humility when we are seduced by instant gratification, the weakness of the flesh, the deeds
of the selfish, self centered, arrogant, egotistical self will run riot. Survival is about food,
clothing and shelter, not about never having our feelings hurt, or more importantly,
by doing the will of a Higher Power, never intentionally harming the feelings of another.

Humility is understanding that we need other people and we need to respect others to earn
our own respect. Not everyone can become a hermit, convening with God and Mother Nature
to the exclusion of others. Where would the next generation come from? Humility is to
understand that your role in God's universe is to produce and reproduce, that which is better.
Do not destroy God's handiwork. Humility is standing up for the principals of decency.

"Self-praise is for losers.
Be a winner.
Stand for something.
Always have class,
and be humble."        ~ John Madden

Humility is being able to make a gratitude list every day. Humility is understanding that you
did most of the work, but your Higher Power deserves all of the credit. Humility is understanding that until you give away as much love, serenity, happiness, joy and peace of mind, as you can,
you will not be able to keep any of it.

"Generosity is giving more than you can,
and pride is taking less than you need."         ~ Kahlil Gibran

What makes the will of a Higher Power work is that you share with others
that which your Higher Power has given you.

The humble miracle is that the more you give, without being ask,
the more you will receive, without having to ask.

Today find love and give love,
and believe that your Higher Power will make both happen
if you humbly allow Him.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss




