Thursday, March 31, 2011





on the


and the


Stay away from mean people.

We are vulnerable because we trust too much.

We become vulnerable when we are distraught because

of a crisis or we are grieving over the loss of a loved one.

When a person becomes old and tired they become vulnerable.

Children who have yet to learn about mean people are the most vulnerable.

We are all emotionally vulnerable at some time in our lives.

Some people are more vulnerable, more often, than others.

We want to be loved, we want to be helped, but try not to be needy.

Opening yourself to vulnerability because you are greedy

does not belong as a part of today's topic and it is your own fault.

"It is my view that our society can be no more stable
than the foundation of individual family units upon which it rests.
Our government, our institutions, our schools...
indeed, our way of life are dependent on healthy marriages
and loyalty to the vulnerable little children around our feet."
   ~ Dr. James C. Dobson

Balance trust with caution.

Have a friend, be a friend.

When you see a friend falling head over heels in love with their newest addictive habit, 

warn them nicely.

When a friend warns you that your opening your feelings up to a world of hurt, 

listen to them.

Don't ever crawl into a shell and try to hide or stuff your feelings, 

always let your feelings flow and allow yourself to enjoy life.

We allow ourselves to become vulnerable when we stumble through life 

without purpose, without focus, with only a weak desire just to survive.

We learn from experience not to stumble.

"I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches.
If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise,since everyone suffers.
To suffering must be added mourning,understanding, patience, love, openness
and the willingness to remain vulnerable."
   ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Experience life today to its fullest and learn from both the good and the bad.

Ask your Bridge Club partner and they will gladly tell you

about the positive side to being vulnerable.

Tennis is not the only game that has love.

"Golf is a good walk spoiled." ~ Mark Twain

Today, look for the positive side of your game;

love well, laugh loudly, care intensely and passionately,

and do your best to follow the will of your loving Higher Power.

Share your trust so that you and your friends are less vulnerable.

Do not be a mean person.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prom Time

Life is not a


Life is not


along the


path of


Life is a dance.

"When you dance, your purpose is not to get
to a certain place on the floor.
It's to enjoy each step along the way."
~ Wayne Dyer

Half of the joy of the dance is the person you are dancing with.

Whether you are dancing with your spouse or just a friend

always make sure you are dancing to the same music.

We are sure that Fred Astaire stepped on Ginger Rodgers'

toes during a dance at least once in their careers, so no matter

how good a dancer you think you are, be prepared to apologize

when a toe is stepped on, no matter who may have been at fault.

Work, play, or any time in between, set a tempo that

will keep you in step with those around you.

If your first dance partner was a little crazy and you

had to go your separate ways, have your picker checked

before you select your next dancing partner.

"The girl who can't dance says the band can't play."
~ Yiddish Proverb

Teach your children to enjoy the dance.

We are never too old to learn a new step.

Can't dance, too old to dance, just learn to enjoy the music.

"If God is the DJ,
then Life is the dance floor;
Love is the rhythm,
and You are the music."
  ~ Pink

Variety is the spice of life, we do not have to dance
Swan Lake all the time,

today a little jig may be sufficient.

Dance to the will of your Higher Power and try

to do the appropriate dance at the appropriate time.

Respect yourself , respect others,

and do not dance on their graves.

Life isn't about how to survive the storm,

but how to dance in the rain.

Work like you don't need the money,

love like you've never been hurt,

and dance like nobody's watching.

"Part of the joy of dancing is conversation.
Trouble is, some men can't talk
and dance at the same time."
    ~ Ginger Rogers

Life is too short, therefore; Break the rules, 

Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably,

And never regret anything that made you smile.

Life may not be the party we hoped for,

but while we're here we should enjoy the dance.

Happiness is a slow dance with the one you love.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Judge and Jury

"I was


by a


I should



for a


~ George Burns


When we decide to become judge and jury we become the teller of bad jokes,

and the joke is always on us.

When someone pulls a prank or worse on someone else it is a joke, however,

when the same prank or worse is done to us it becomes not so funny 

or possibly even a crime.

We must not judge for others with different standards

than we would expect for ourselves.

"The jury consist of twelve persons
chosen to decide
who has the better lawyer."
   ~ Robert Frost

Do better than the common laws of man, choose to do the will of a Higher Power.

In the eyes of the ultimate judge, who made everyone worthy of respect, 

we have but one standard, one law, to be capable of loving everyone 

just as God made them.

To love is to trust, not to judge.

Do not judge a man by his religion.

Do not judge a man by his race.

Do not judge a man by his ethnic background.

Do not judge a person because of their sexual preferences. 

Judge a person by how much love they have to give.

Different people believe that the will of God can be interpreted 

more than one way, unfortunately, many religions believe that

their interpretation is the only correct one.

Do not judge the people and do not judge their interpretations,

because the foundation for all religions is a loving Higher Power.

Love yourself.

Love your family.

Love your neighbor.

Love your country.

Love your religion.

Support those people and their causes that spread love and well being for all.

Love a Higher Power that has created this wonderful world we live in.

Treat this world with kindness and love.

"If you violate Nature's laws you are
your own prosecuting attorney,
judge, jury, and hangman."
~ Luther Burbank

If you must be judge or jury today, do so with love and compassion.

Discipline your child so that they may understand that

loving and sharing is the will of God.

Discipline the drunk and addict so that they understand

that they have a disease that can be cured by love.

Discipline the greedy and the selfish who are the cause

of today's world financial crises, and show no mercy.

Ooops, if you can't give them love, give them the Golden Rule.

Pray for diplomatic successes to have the religions of

the world agree to live in peaceful coexistence.

"If you judge people,
you have no time to love them."
   ~ Mother Teresa

Be happy, laugh, cry, feel and spread the love.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Unrealistic Expectations


is not the


it is reality

that we

have to

deal with.

The ego 

is fragile enough 

that there is 

no need to pile undue heaps of disappointment upon it.

Disappointment is the consequence of unrealistic expectations.

"The expectations of life depend upon diligence;
the mechanic that would perfect his work
must first sharpen his tools."
      ~ Confucius

There are some basics to setting expectations.

Do not expect for things to happen tomorrow. 

Todayis the only day that your Higher has given you and

you must use your time wisely.

Dreams and plans are hopes for tomorrow that we

work for with the effort we expect from today.

Expectations should be realistic.

Do not expect to solve all the worlds problems, buy yourself,

before this coming weekend.

Do not place your expectations on others, this is a

totally unrealistic expectation.

It is not that others want to disappoint you on purpose,

sometimes they even surprise us by doing more than was

expected, but just be thankful for ever bit of help you get.

Do not expect your life to be over if you reach a goal or

achieve a dream. Learn to believe that each expectation

reached is just another rung on the ladder to heaven.

Learn to live heaven on earth; do not just expect it to happen.

Living heaven on earth is accepting what your Higher Power

has given you and enjoying what you have for all that it is worth.

Accept that we are all unique and that a Higher Power expects

us to do what we are uniquely capable of.

If every voice were the same it would not be a choir.

Expect to receive more than you need so that you may share

with those who do not have the tools to provide for themselves.

Everyone has something to share, even if it is only love and tolerance.

Do not expect that those whom you do things for will be thankful.

Regardless of your expectations, do things to help others and

learn that your self gratitude for trying to help is the only

expectation that your Higher Power has for you.

Expect that your Higher Power has given you enough room

in your heart to have pleasure dwell alongside of grief.

"If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations,
you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal."

~ Norman Vincent Peale

If an effort results in meeting an achieved expectation,

that means God approved of your plan.

If all of your planning, scheming, blood, sweat and tears

results in a pile of frustration, ask your Higher Power

for better expectations.

"It's a good place when all you have is hope
and not expectations."
        ~ Danny Boyle

Plan for the best, hope for the best, give it your best effort

and know that the results will be God's will.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


“Life and love
life and love, 

a bunch of violets
is a
bunch of violets, 

and to drag in the idea
of a point is to
ruin everything. 

Live and let live,
love and let love,
flower and fade, 

and follow the natural curve, 
which flows on, pointless.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

There is no point, no conclusion, no explanation
and there is no end to love, why ruin it with words,
smile, hug, go with the flow and just feel the love.
God, eternity and love are our pointless attempts to
make ourselves believe that we know, that we are in control.

A Higher Power will let us know when.

"What is the point?
The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines."  BB pp60

The Spirit of the Universe is love, unconditional and to a fault, pointless.
Keep it simple, go with the flow, do the next right thing.

Love is never having to make a point.

Love is helping someone love themselves.

ME and the Boss