Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesdays Promises 4-3-15

The Promises Group


Tuesday @ 5:00


Ninth step promises,

#11 from page 84

of the Big Book.


We will intuitively

know how to handle

situations which used to

baffle us.


Great meeting as usual, lots of strength and hope

shared by all who participated.

The person who selected this promise related that

their sponsor had recently died but because of

what he learned in the rooms it was not a reason

to drink.

Many others who knew the deceased

praised his recovery and his example of how

the program should be lived.

Great to see a few new faces at the meeting.


ME and the Boss






Sunday, March 1, 2015

Group Conscience


A day or two behind;

Friday, noon at Cabrini

and the usual souls

were in attendance,

give or take a few.


The topic bounced

but it was mainly based on the

daily readings and of course

not drinking one day at a time.


The Daily Reflections topic was how the group conscience

kept A. A. on track and what the role of the long timer,

the elder statesmen and stateswomen, was in making

sure that the groups primary purpose did no waver.

Some less than humble long timers had something to say,

most of the long timers just sat quietly and nodded their heads.


Saturday ; 1;00 PM on Century Drive,

Just the core group and the discussion was

mainly focused on the miracles that recover.

Where were the new comers ???

also took some discussion time,

attraction rather than promotion,

court appointed, drugs,

the demographics of living in Florida

where there are lots of older

and long time fellowship members.


Just keep coming back ...

ME and the Boss




