Sunday, October 31, 2010


Drama is nothing but a poorly written comedy.

The difference between success and failure

is an opinion.

Drama assumes that you believe everything

is a failure.

Chaos is drama with a tad of hysteria

added for spice.

Funny is when you realize the absurdity

of the drama.

A good comedian pokes fun at how serious we think we are.
"Remember that you are an actor in a drama,
of such a part as it may please the master to assign you,
for a long time or for a little as he may choose.
And if he will you to take the part of a poor man,
or a cripple, or a ruler, or a private citizen,
then may you act that part with grace!
For to act well the part that is allotted to us,
that indeed is ours to do,
but to choose it is another story."
   ~ Epictetus

Drama is not accepting the will of your Higher Power.

Drama is trying to write the next chapter of your life's story

to come out the way you want it to.

Drama is not changing when change is needed.

If other people, places and things are creating drama in your life, move up, move on,

move out, move a muscle and change a thought and get on with the happy side of your life.

Teach your children drama and they will fail, teach them laughter and love and they will

succeed in having no drama in their lives.

This world is not a drama of the good guys versus the bad guys, it is your world to love.

Beware of the devil and his devices or vices and do not become a bad guy.
To avoid drama avoid the seven deadly sins.

If you seek to do the will of your Higher Power on a daily basis

the surprises in life will be less dramatic.

Seeking God's help after you have run the train off the tracks is how dramas are created.

Pray for guidance to accept God's will and then go out and work your tail off to make

your life successful, comfortable and a benefit to yourself and all who meet you.

Eliminate drama by doing God's will:

being kind is not dramatic,

being loving is not traumatic,

being patient and tolerant involves no conflict,

there is no chaos in acting out the role your Higher Power has given you.

"There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility.
Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy." ~ Mark Twain

God will give you the chance, you must make the choice.

Laugh often, Sing loud, And  Dance when you get the chance!

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

Dramatically yours, Michael_e

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Whole Body Smile

Smile, it makes them wonder what you are up to.

No, not that smarmy, guilty looking grin that the Cheshire Cat wore

to help make Alice into the star she is today.

No, not that slight curvature of the corners of your mouth

that you force onto your face when the little old lady

pinches your cheek.

Yes, your real smile, the one that goes from the top of your

head all the way down to your toes, “the whole body smile.”

Never heard of it, don't know how to do it??

Just follow these simple instructions, these twelve easy steps:

1) Be happy:  It is an attitude, just do it.

2) Clear your brain of any activity:  (Like thinking) For most of us
there is no effort required, this is better known as our normal state of mind.

3) Open your eyes:  Sparkling, smiling, laughing eyes are beautiful to behold
and the wonder is how those smiling eyes see things more clearly.
Every day something new is born into this world.
Smile, God made it just for you to enjoy.

4) Shut your mouth:  You cannot hear when your mouth is moving,
nor can you smile when you mouth is moving.

5) Clean out your ears:  Listen closely to others and heed the word of God.
God has endowed man with the ability to make beautiful music,
learn to listen and listen to enjoy.

6) Relax.: Ever notice that the back of your neck is always tense,
bad habit, smiles make the stress go away.

7) Follow your heart:  Love enormously, love often and smile when you think of
those that you love. Remember that you may like things, you may enjoy things,
you may want things, but your only need is to love people, God and pets.

8) Hug everything, even trees: God has given you two arms and two hands
so that you may hold onto those things that make you smile, however,
we must remember that God’s will may take those things from us at anytime
and we must let go and learn to smile when we remember the good times.
Hand in hand we will do for each other what we cannot do alone
If you are holding my hand I cannot pick up a drink.

9) Trust your gut feelings: God has given you the intuitive instincts
to protect your feelings from being hurt.
Learn to smile when you say "I told you so."

10) Move out of the way: God has given you two legs to allow you
to motivate your body to places that are happy.
Go there.
Smile in anticipation while you are moving towards your happy destination,
and make the smile even larger when you have reached your goal.

11) Dance: God has given you two feet to celebrate the rest of your body.
Don't think about it, don't talk about it, see it, feel it, trust it,
listen to the music and move to the rhythm of God's earth.

12) Toes know: When your toes are happy,
you will know you have learned “the whole body smile.”

Smile, this is God's candid camera watching you do his will.

Be yourself...everyone else is already taken.

The Doctors orders are to repeat the process as often as necessary and share
with everyone whom you think would also benefit from “The Whole Body Smile.”


Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

Michael_e    :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


"Don't walk in front of me,
I may not follow;
Don't walk behind me,
I may not lead;
Walk beside me,
and just be my friend."

~ Albert Camus

In AA, a sponsor is a friend who will walk with you hand in hand as you journey through the steps.

Some people are eventually able to let go of their sponsors hand and make the journey through
a sober life by holding the hand of the newcomer.

However, it is well documented that walking alone can only lead to jails, institutions or death.

Even if you claim that your Higher Power is always in your heart, always walking with you hand in hand, most sober people will tell you that working with another drunk is the only way to find the pathway to peace of mind and serenity.

A Higher Power is the only one who can carry you through the quicksand of alcoholism when your sick mind tells you that all of your friends have deserted you, but, however,and if you have faith in a Higher Power, trust in the fellowship of AA, and have a sponsor that you listen to, they will always lead you to more friends.

To have a friend, be a friend.

Go to a meeting, be welcomed back, and know that when you reach out for help the hand of AA will always be there, for there are many responsible sober people there who know how it works.

Learn about the disease of alcoholism, how it progresses, how it tells you that you do not have it, how it wants you to isolate, be alone, push away anyone that loves you and wants you to kill yourself.

Go to a meeting when you think things are really bad and God will put somneone in front of you that has been there, done that, or is in a position that is possibly worse than you could ever imagine.

Learn how to have an attitude. Don't stomp, tread lightly.

Know that misery and suffering are optional.

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Others stay awhile, make footprints on our hearts
and we are never, ever the same." ~ Anonymous

Many blessings my friend. . . . Michael_e

Mystical Faculties

"The sway of alcohol over mankind
is unquestionably due to its power to
stimulate the mystical faculties of
human nature, usually crushed to earth
by the cold facts and dry criticisms
of the sober hour.
Sobriety diminishes, discriminates,
and says no;
drunkenness expands, unites,
and says yes."   ~ William James

"We will intuitively know how to handle situations
which used to baffle us."

Who doesn't love to hear the word "YES", but, and the yes buts will allow us to feed into the mystical faculties of justification. There was always a very good reason that we took every drink and drug that we ever used to find the mystical world of Alice and Puff and the many pink elephants that tripped the light fantastic on our brains.

As we learn more about our disease, the stinking thinking, the backward brain, we come to rely upon our intuition and discover that we have always known the right from the wrong, Mother was always right, Father knew best, but the Devil had control of the mystical faculties and we were powerless over alcohol.

Today, it is O.K. to say no, it is all right to limit ourselves to doing the next right thing for family, friend and fellowship, it is good to discriminate against mean people, evil places, and the things that caused the guilt and shame, the remorse of why did I do that.

Today, "We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves,"
and we will live by faith,we will learn to justify our right actions,and we will become the people that our Higher Power wants us to be.

Today, we will learn that the "Mystical Faculties" were nothing but a figment of our sick imagination, curable by the grace of a loving God of our understanding.

Just say no....

Quotes from BB, p 84