Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mystical Faculties

"The sway of alcohol over mankind
is unquestionably due to its power to
stimulate the mystical faculties of
human nature, usually crushed to earth
by the cold facts and dry criticisms
of the sober hour.
Sobriety diminishes, discriminates,
and says no;
drunkenness expands, unites,
and says yes."   ~ William James

"We will intuitively know how to handle situations
which used to baffle us."

Who doesn't love to hear the word "YES", but, and the yes buts will allow us to feed into the mystical faculties of justification. There was always a very good reason that we took every drink and drug that we ever used to find the mystical world of Alice and Puff and the many pink elephants that tripped the light fantastic on our brains.

As we learn more about our disease, the stinking thinking, the backward brain, we come to rely upon our intuition and discover that we have always known the right from the wrong, Mother was always right, Father knew best, but the Devil had control of the mystical faculties and we were powerless over alcohol.

Today, it is O.K. to say no, it is all right to limit ourselves to doing the next right thing for family, friend and fellowship, it is good to discriminate against mean people, evil places, and the things that caused the guilt and shame, the remorse of why did I do that.

Today, "We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves,"
and we will live by faith,we will learn to justify our right actions,and we will become the people that our Higher Power wants us to be.

Today, we will learn that the "Mystical Faculties" were nothing but a figment of our sick imagination, curable by the grace of a loving God of our understanding.

Just say no....

Quotes from BB, p 84

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