Saturday, April 30, 2011


A challenge 

is only 

as difficult 

as you 

make it.

"Out of clutter, 

find Simplicity.

From discord, 

find Harmony.

In the middle of difficulty 

lies Opportunity.” 

~ Albert Einstein

The challenge to having a healthy relationship and finding true love

is to know what lies in ones heart, not in ones head.

The challenge is to know ourselves before we can offer our true selves to a relationship.

To know ourselves is to know our feelings, and to understand that good feelings

make for good relationships and bad feelings destroy any chance for a

mutual admiration society to exist.

Good feelings are born in ones heart through a good seed planted by a good example.

Good examples provide nurturing of the seed which allows the seed to grow in

the sunshine of trust, watered by the necessary faith, and given the nourishment of hope.

All of God's children are good seeds, some are just nurtured better than others.

The real miracle of living is that bad seeds can become good seeds, if they are

willing to learn to trust, have faith, and love themselves and others.

There are also sick people, trying to get well, who can fill

their lives with meaning and purpose if they to can learn to

have trust, faith and love in their hearts.

Alcoholics and addicts are not bad people trying to get good,

they are sick people trying to get well.

The challenge for the good and the bad, the sick and the ugly,

is to get out of their heads, and learn to feel with their hearts.

To meet any challenge you must have a plan.

The plan must establish goals to measure progress.

We should not dwell on the final goal, the destination of life,

but we must learn to concentrate on the journey of our life, starting with today.

Trust in your Higher Power to give you a long and wonderful life,

and if you put together a long stream of good days in service to

self, others and your Higher Power, the rewards of having lived will be yours.

Have faith, even some bad seeds turn out to be beautiful wild flowers.

Trust in your Higher Power, know that all fruits and vegetables grow from a

single seed, today, be the flower that bears the fruit to nourish the world.

Today, know that there are tomatoes, potatoes and roses, and to do

the will of your Higher Power just be as God wants you to be,

not as others expect you to be.

Today, if you are a cucumber, do not get pickled, because once

a pickle, always a pickle and you cannot become a cucumber again..

Make sure "you" are healthy before you go picking a soul mate.

Seek out the flower of a healthy fruit, which is just like you, to do God's will.

The challenge of life is to grow, enjoy the journey, and leave

this world a better place for those seeds which you have planted

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am



for the


I think.

"A person
has two
for doing
a good reason and the real reason."


Thomas Carlyle
1795-1881, Scottish Philosopher

Justification or motive, the real reason lies not in the head,

but in the heart.

A step toward growing up is the ability to look inside ones heart 

and begin to know the real reasons why we act the way we do.

Fear and anger are the spawning pools for many or your worst feelings.

Fear and anger have many ways to disguise themselves in your head.

Fear and anger cannot dwell comfortably in your heart.

A gut feeling is God's way of giving you the real reason for feeling the way you do.

As children we have fear and anger, because we do not know.

As you grow older, we disguise the fear and anger and learn

to hide them among the other negative feelings that we have.

Those who do not grow up continue to throw temper tantrums,

stomp their feet, hold their breath until they get red in the face,

and plot to get even.

Those people who mature learn to listen, listen to learn, and

dispel their fears and anger with knowledge.

The real reason is because God said so.

If you know in your heart that you are trying your best, to do the will 

of your Higher Power, you will have no reason to fear or be angry.

If your self esteem is fearful, if you are always angry

with yourself, and you have no self confidence, find a friend

who can show you that you have the option to change

and that a faith in a loving Spirit of the Universe 

will give you the courage to make those changes.

If your relationships are based in fear and anger,

find people who have healthy, loving and trusting

relationships and learn from them.

If your spirituality is lacking because you fear God or

you are angry with God, find people who have a true

faith in a Higher Power who is love and kindness and

learn from them.

Today, learn to put your childish fears behind you.

Today, know that anger is the opposite of learning.

Today, know that God has all the answers and those

reasons will be given to you by the people God puts into your life.

Today, have no fear, no anger, and take the time to look into your heart

for the real reasons to feel happy, joyous and free.

Today, look into your heart to learn reasons to love.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss

Thursday, April 21, 2011





can no

longer be



and self.


A huff and a puff will not always get you what you want.

Self will can bring only bad feelings.

If you think only of yourself you will be just like the

person who eats all of their meals from the same fast

food joint, soon your health will begin to deteriorate.

Fear, anger, guilt, shame,and remorse are the wreckage

of self will run riot, just like the ulcers you will get

from eating all the wrong foods.

Have faith that a Higher Power will give you

the balanced diet that you need.

If you can learn to have gratitude for what has been

given to you the rewards will be tolerance, forgiveness,

service, serenity and an appreciation of this beautiful world.

A prioritized diet from the entire living healthy pyramid.

Tolerance of self as well as of others is learned by being patient,

knowing that good things happen in God's time, not yours.

Cook the food completely, as per God's directions.

Forgiveness of self as well as of others is learned by accepting

that the past is the past, it is over, it cannot be changed.

The leftovers are good for only so many days.

Bad recipes, too much salt, or tasteless concoctions

need to be throw out immediately.

Forgive yourself for trying to have that relationship

with the crazy person who just recently escaped

from the drug and alcohol rehab center.

You cannot rescue bad recipes.

Service to others gets you out of self.

When you put a priority on helping others you will earn

rewards of love and kindness that will make your

soul complete. Do not demand love, give love.

Make sure all ingredients required by the recipe are used.

You may think you are the sweet chocolate that you crave,

but know that without eating your carrots you may not be

able to see all of the beautiful things in God's world.

Know that you may have to practice doing good deeds

many times before the prize of serenity is yours.

Good cooks and bakers practiced diligently to become

good enough to open their own shop or win the prize

at the county fair.

Feelings of love and kindness are the benefits for doing

the will of a Higher Power.

The will of your Higher Power is to have good priorities.

Most good priorities and good recipes can be found in books.

When books become too complicated, ask a friend, and always

pick a friend who knows how to cook, and understands priorities.

Serenity is knowing that there is not too much on your plate,

and that the diet is balanced between self, others and your

Higher Power.

Today, treat your priorities like a good recipe.

Today, use all of the right ingredients, in the right amounts.

Today, know that the order in which the ingredients are

mixed is very important.

Today, prepare enough to share with others.

Today, teach others how your good recipes work.

Today, know , as do all the great chefs and bakers, that a pinch

of love makes everything taste better.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.



Wednesday, April 13, 2011










"Conscience is a man's compass."
Vincent Van Gogh

Check the map of your life, your moral conscious and if you consciously 

seek happiness today,you will find it.

Have an attitude of gratitude.

Thank your Higher Power for giving you another day to celebrate living a life of service.

Happiness is looking for the things in life that are pleasing.

If your compass is upside down you will find trouble.

Look for the negative and you will find it.

Dwell on the negative and you will be miserable.

Live in today, the here and now, and do your best to keep your compass right side up.

Do not know where your compass is, look inside yourself.

Do not know which way your compass is pointing, ask a friend.

Keep life a simple matter, check your moral compass on an as needed basis, 

and make sure it is always pointed towards better things for everyone.

Lying, cheating and stealing only complicate ones life.

Do not rely solely on your own thinking, sometimes your best

thinking is what may put you in harms way.

Learn to rely on your feelings and be aware of when your compass may be 

out of alignment with the will of your Higher Power.

When you know in your heart that this is the best you can do, be happy and enjoy.

Live up to your expectations for yourself, not the expectations others may have for you.

Compasses never need fixing.

You are lying if you say your compass is broken, you are cheating if you hold your finger 

on the needed and do not feel what is in your heart, you are stealing when you try 

to manipulate the compass of another person.

God has given everyone a compass, learn to use your compass often and wisely.

Share your compass with others until they learn how to read their own.

Do not try to be the compass of another person, unless they ask, or the judge request 

that you sit on the jury.

God is His own judge and jury, He does not need your help.

Keep your compass clean so you may see it clearly.

Avoid the dark when it becomes impossible to see your compass.

Today, may all of your compass points be good feelings of happiness, kindness, forgiveness,

patience and tolerance, love and understanding, and willingness to do the next right thing.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Wrong Line

We always choose the check-out line 

that will take forever, especially when 

we are in a big hurry.

Life is always about our choices, 

but the results are always God's.

God created a Mr. Murphy 

who developed laws that have 

to do with choices and their 

eventual perverse results.

Mr. Murphy's law about check out lines is:

"the check out line you choose will always move the slowest."

Mr. Murphy's original Law stated that:

"if anything can go wrong, it will."

The lessons to be learned are gratitude, patience and tolerance.

Have gratitude, you have a need, met by a store, and you have the means to purchase.

Have gratitude that you are wanted or needed someplace in a hurry.

Patience is a virtue and all good things will happen in God's time,

and just hope that you are late for your own funeral.

Impatience can be avoided by patiently enjoying what is happening around you.

You may miss the most enjoyable moment of the day because you were 

concentrating on your impatience.

God never fails to entertain, learn to enjoy the journey,

not just the anticipation of arriving at the destination.

When you think of tolerance you may think of our ability to endure pain, but since 

most pain is self inflicted, we will move on to a different meaning of tolerance.

The definition of tolerance is: Not to argue with a person or situation

that is against or opposite of our normal beliefs.

If you are intolerant and you protest, you lose, you are still standing in line.

Be tolerant, accept the situation, the line will eventually move, and this to shall pass.

Be tolerant and change your beliefs, rather than subscribing to the Laws of Murphy, 

have faith in your Higher Power.

Think negative and negative things will happen, says Murphy.

Think love and kindness, and happiness will abound, says God.

Smile at the people in line with you and offer to make the experience more enjoyable for all.

Make jokes about Mr. Murphy and know that your attitude can affect those around you.

If the other people can't take a joke, that is on them.

However, God's law states that love and laughter are contagious.

If those around you remain negative and they do not laugh with you,

have gratitude that you are not that miserable and that you know how to laugh.

Be tolerant of others, they may be Murphy believers and they do not have a 

Higher Power to guide them to a life that is happy, joyous and free.

Another of Murphy's laws states: "Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."

Today, do not let things alone by themselves.

Today, pray for guidance from your Higher Power that

you may do His/Her/It's will in a positive way.

Today, do those things that make you happy, others happy and your Higher Power 

happy, and most importantly, try to prove Mr. Murphy's laws to be wrong.

Remember, you are never in the wrong line.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

