Thursday, April 21, 2011





can no

longer be



and self.


A huff and a puff will not always get you what you want.

Self will can bring only bad feelings.

If you think only of yourself you will be just like the

person who eats all of their meals from the same fast

food joint, soon your health will begin to deteriorate.

Fear, anger, guilt, shame,and remorse are the wreckage

of self will run riot, just like the ulcers you will get

from eating all the wrong foods.

Have faith that a Higher Power will give you

the balanced diet that you need.

If you can learn to have gratitude for what has been

given to you the rewards will be tolerance, forgiveness,

service, serenity and an appreciation of this beautiful world.

A prioritized diet from the entire living healthy pyramid.

Tolerance of self as well as of others is learned by being patient,

knowing that good things happen in God's time, not yours.

Cook the food completely, as per God's directions.

Forgiveness of self as well as of others is learned by accepting

that the past is the past, it is over, it cannot be changed.

The leftovers are good for only so many days.

Bad recipes, too much salt, or tasteless concoctions

need to be throw out immediately.

Forgive yourself for trying to have that relationship

with the crazy person who just recently escaped

from the drug and alcohol rehab center.

You cannot rescue bad recipes.

Service to others gets you out of self.

When you put a priority on helping others you will earn

rewards of love and kindness that will make your

soul complete. Do not demand love, give love.

Make sure all ingredients required by the recipe are used.

You may think you are the sweet chocolate that you crave,

but know that without eating your carrots you may not be

able to see all of the beautiful things in God's world.

Know that you may have to practice doing good deeds

many times before the prize of serenity is yours.

Good cooks and bakers practiced diligently to become

good enough to open their own shop or win the prize

at the county fair.

Feelings of love and kindness are the benefits for doing

the will of a Higher Power.

The will of your Higher Power is to have good priorities.

Most good priorities and good recipes can be found in books.

When books become too complicated, ask a friend, and always

pick a friend who knows how to cook, and understands priorities.

Serenity is knowing that there is not too much on your plate,

and that the diet is balanced between self, others and your

Higher Power.

Today, treat your priorities like a good recipe.

Today, use all of the right ingredients, in the right amounts.

Today, know that the order in which the ingredients are

mixed is very important.

Today, prepare enough to share with others.

Today, teach others how your good recipes work.

Today, know , as do all the great chefs and bakers, that a pinch

of love makes everything taste better.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.



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