Saturday, February 21, 2015




February 21, 2015

1: 00  PM





A friend has recently started

a Saturday afternoon meeting.

A few of us are showing up regularly however,

more support will be needed to keep the meeting going.


It only takes two to have a meeting

and we were fortunate to have more than a few attend.


Great meeting with the topic of "One day at a time"

The sharing related stories when, as new comers,

the thought was not drinking one day at a time

and as the twenty four hours passed the program

worked its magic the thoughts become how to live

a life doing the will of a Higher Power

one day at a time.

Everyone shared positive messages

of experience, strength and hope.

Keep coming back ...


ME and the Boss






Friday, February 20, 2015




Friday, 2-20-15

Noon Meeting






Chilly winter day, television sucks, and I

have these thoughts that need to find a home.

Had an idea and the result is going to be

a few comments on the meeting (s)

that I attend, on the day I attend them.

Todays reading from the Daily Reflections

talked about the laughter found at a meeting

and the group held to this as a topic.

This is a regular meeting for me because

this group may find a topic but the underlying theme

is always about not drinking one day at a time,

the main reason I go to a meeting.

The main idea was that the happy, joyous and free

members have learned to laugh with each other,

not at each other.

We shared the silly, stupid things that we did while

we were drinking and the inane thoughts we used

to justify, deny our behaviors and we all laughed.

Great meeting.

There is no such thing as a bad meeting,

it is just that some meetings are better than others,

today was one of the best.
