Wednesday, October 27, 2010


"Don't walk in front of me,
I may not follow;
Don't walk behind me,
I may not lead;
Walk beside me,
and just be my friend."

~ Albert Camus

In AA, a sponsor is a friend who will walk with you hand in hand as you journey through the steps.

Some people are eventually able to let go of their sponsors hand and make the journey through
a sober life by holding the hand of the newcomer.

However, it is well documented that walking alone can only lead to jails, institutions or death.

Even if you claim that your Higher Power is always in your heart, always walking with you hand in hand, most sober people will tell you that working with another drunk is the only way to find the pathway to peace of mind and serenity.

A Higher Power is the only one who can carry you through the quicksand of alcoholism when your sick mind tells you that all of your friends have deserted you, but, however,and if you have faith in a Higher Power, trust in the fellowship of AA, and have a sponsor that you listen to, they will always lead you to more friends.

To have a friend, be a friend.

Go to a meeting, be welcomed back, and know that when you reach out for help the hand of AA will always be there, for there are many responsible sober people there who know how it works.

Learn about the disease of alcoholism, how it progresses, how it tells you that you do not have it, how it wants you to isolate, be alone, push away anyone that loves you and wants you to kill yourself.

Go to a meeting when you think things are really bad and God will put somneone in front of you that has been there, done that, or is in a position that is possibly worse than you could ever imagine.

Learn how to have an attitude. Don't stomp, tread lightly.

Know that misery and suffering are optional.

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Others stay awhile, make footprints on our hearts
and we are never, ever the same." ~ Anonymous

Many blessings my friend. . . . Michael_e

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