Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What An Order

Most people

have a


of their


that they


on a

regular basis.

The rituals of most who worship a Higher Power include a

request to be forgiven for any wrongdoings.

Wrongdoings are usually evil thoughts and evil actions

which are not of service to self, others or your Higher Power.

Lying, cheating, stealing, character assassination, greed, and

the list goes on, are some of the more common moral errors.

The penalty for not living a moral life or not admitting when you

have made a mistake is to live a life filled with guilt and shame.

A life filled with remorse can never be happy, joyous and free.

"There is no person so severely punished,
as those who subject themselves
to the whip of their own remorse."

You must have faith that a Higher Power will forgive you

of your past moral lapses, if you can forgive yourself.

To forgive yourself you must clean house and let go and let God.

Admit to yourself, to God, and another human being, the

exact nature of your wrongs.

Priest, preacher, teacher, friend, mentor, stranger or anyone

who speaks the same language as you will be a satisfactory

choice to listen to your story. (Notice: No Family)

Pets, the Chinese laundry man, or the Armenian taxi cab driver,

do not qualify unless you speak their language.

To look at ones self and take a honest moral inventory

may seem impossible, what an order.

I can't go through with it, should become,

I must do it.

"It's not what you look at that matters,
it's what you see."                                      
 ~Henry David Thoreau

You can do it.

Millions of people do it as a daily,

if not as an every Friday, Saturday or Sunday routine.

If you want your religion to be different, pick a different day.

Most people take their moral inventories and make them a part of their prayers.

"Repentance is accepted remorse."                    ~ Anne Sophie Swetchine

Clean up the wreckage of the past and learn to live in today.

Could have done, would have done and should have done,

are not islands that need to be visited if you want a happy vacation.

Ask your Higher Power or a friend and they will gladly

provide you with a boat to get you off those deserted islands.

Staying close to the will and the course of your Higher Power

is the best advice to avoid being lost at sea.

Today, may your ship be blessed so that you will not

run aground on any hidden immoral reefs and sand bars.

Today, may your course be a smooth sail towards your happy destiny.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss






Friday, February 10, 2012



You are

a slave to

what you

do say,

a master

of what you don't say.

To speak.

"In some causes silence is dangerous."
Saint Ambrose

Or, not to speak.

"Don't you know that silence supports the accuser's charge?"

Keep your mouth closed until your mind is in gear.

The tree of silence bears the fruit of peace.

It is rude to silence a fool, and cruelty to let him go on.

We have often regretted our speech, never our silence.

And the proverbs go on and on and on.

Pray, ask for guidance, and accept the will of your Higher Power

before you decide to chose words or silence.

Quiet communion with your Higher Power is

the purest form of silence.

"I drank the silence of God from a spring in the woods."
Georg Trakl

Meditation is the second purest form of silence.

"Your hearts know in silence
the secrets of the days and the nights."
Kahlil Gibran

To speak or not to speak is no longer the question,

who is listening becomes more important.

Remember, God hears all, spoken and unspoken.

There are unfortunate situations in our lives where

what we say will be wrong and silence will not be right.

Be honest and forthright, silence only gives others

the opportunity to ponder more questions.

Let your good actions speak louder than

your choice of the wrong word.

"Everything in life is speaking in spite
of it's apparent silence."
Hazrat Inayat Khan

If you must say something, say something nice,

and give credit to your Higher Power for your blessings.

Apologize if you talk too much and say nothing.

Your Higher Power talks to others through you,

choose God's words well.

Your Higher Power speaks to you through others,

listen to God's words well.

Let God handle the silence.

ME and the Boss






Saturday, February 4, 2012


Finding the most

agreeable and

valuable things

when you were not

even looking for them.

Luck, fortune,

God blessing,

call it what you may,

everyone has it.

You may have not been born

a Persian Prince of Serendip,

born under the right astral sign,

or born with a silver spoon in your mouth,

but you were placed on this Earth to do the will

of your Higher Power, the same as every other living

thing on this planet.

Your Higher Power has given you everything you need

to do His/Her will.

"In reality, serendipity accounts for one percent
of the blessings we receive in life, work and love.
The other 99 percent is due to our efforts."
~ Peter McWilliams

Stay sober, do what you promised and use your resources

to do the next right thing in service to yourself, your family

and your Higher Power.

You are on God's stage to perform, so do your best.

Do not hold back and try to save energy for the next act,

you never know when the play will be over.

If your only role is to smile and wave, make sure they see

your performance from the last row of the theater.

Do not act out of character and try not to upstage anyone.

Give an award winning performance at every show.

"You know, be an actor because you love to act.
Don't be an actor because you think you're going to get famous,
because that's luck."
~ Whoopi Goldberg

Most importantly, remember that God is the Director and

the Producer of this show and you are but

one in a cast of millions.

Know that God has a unique role for each and every one of us

and according to his plan, it is important.

Be positive, practice your role well, put forth the effort,

because serendipity, luck and the big roles come to those

who are ready, willing and able.

If you want to have children, be ready to be a parent.

If you want material things, work for them.

Do not squander or gamble away the resources

that you have earned.

Let the next generation be the critics.

Even the critics have a role in God's play and they

should not hold the actors to standards that

they themselves cannot meet.

If you want your children to be saints, show them how.

You are doing well if you are playing your role and

you want your legacy to be that of a loving and willing

actor on God's stage.

Today, may your day be filled with Serendipity.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss




