are reliable, many full of love,
true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal.
Difficult standards for people to live up to.” ~ Alfred A. Montapert
Why does man have to complicate everything.
Survival means being competitive, if you are a wild animal.
Civilization means to put away ones anger, jealousies,
true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal.
Difficult standards for people to live up to.” ~ Alfred A. Montapert
Why does man have to complicate everything.
Survival means being competitive, if you are a wild animal.
Civilization means to put away ones anger, jealousies,
and fear that someone may get more than they deserve.
Animals can be tamed and domesticated,
how about man??
Remember to do your best to promote
World Peace and Harmony today, act civilized.
Better yet , act like the person your dog thinks you are.
Love, Peace, and Goodwill among men, are not reserved
for seasonal celebrations.
It is nice to have, it is better to share.
If all you have to give today is love and kindness,
you are the richest person in the world.
Adopt the characteristics of your pet,
they have plenty of patience and tolerance for you.
Make your Higher Power the head of your house.
The unseen guest at every meal.
The silent listener to every conversation.
Laugh loudly, love deeply and do your best to make this a
PurrrrrrFect World.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss