Thursday, February 10, 2011

Foul Mouth, Foul Mind

It is a Blessing from God 

that man has been given the ability

to communicate thoughts and ideas 

by using vocal sounds,

these sounds, 

represented by letters, 

become words.

Since these words are American, 

(English?)  all references will regard

the American language.

The Oxford English (from England) Dictionary contains
over 250,000 entries, and many are recognized as uniquely American.

These American words are usually referred to as slang.

The dictionary does not count foreign language words in common use in America;
we sauté our food (French), we study martial arts, Judo and Karate (Japanese).
The dictionary does not count medical and scientific terms.

There are ten times as many more words in use today
than when Shakespeare was living.

With so many options available, why do people swear?

By swearing we do not mean taking an oath,
as in President Obama was sworn in and took the oath of office twice.

Foul language, swearing, taking the name of a Higher Power in vain,
 are not necessary when you have tens of thousands of words available
to convey your message.

Shock value??


Lazy and stupid??

Speak up.

The mind can become saturated with bad habits and using foul language is a bad habit.

You are known by the friends you keep and the level of language they speak.



If you do not use foul language, fine, improve your standing among your friends
and learn a new word every day.

Better yet, use a few well selected words more often;

Please and Thank You, May I help you? I Love you, are good for starters,

"Conversation would be vastly improved
by the constant use of four simple words:
I do not know."
                      ~     Andre Maurois

Attempt to make it through today by not using any of the
seven words you cannot say on television. (George Carlin)

Try to talk to friends without using any four lettered slang.

Do not huff and puff, speak softly, but carry a big stick. (Roosevelt paraphrased)

No screaming and yelling allowed. (Children, Spouse or Family)

Ask your Higher Power to help you select the best words for the right occasion.

"No matter what people tell you,
words and ideas can change the world."
                     ~ Robin Williams

May the words you use today change the world for the better.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


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