Sunday, July 31, 2011
Flash and Dash
One day
your life
will flash
before your eyes,
make sure its worth watching.
"The unlived life is not worth examining."
~ Tom Morris
You may wish to savor and enjoy the nuances of life, to slowly partake of life's best moments,
but beware, in retrospect you will see that they were there and then gone in a flash.
You made a mad dash to grow up, only to find out that childhood is the best time of ones life.
You made a mad dash to find a soul mate to grow old with, only to learn that the joy was in the
exploring. Be fortunate, chose a soul mate that enjoys exploring life with you.
If you have a fear that if you do not do it right now, in a flash, in a dash, there will not be anything
left for you, have faith, in God's time, all good things appear.
"It is the flash which appears, the thunder will follow.” ~ Voltaire
The flash and the dash are all for show, it is the spark and the glow that keep us on the go.
Flashy looks good but can it be kind and loving?
The dash is impressive, but the race goes to the consistent and the persistent.
A spark of kindness starts a fire of love. The glow of friendship keeps the soul happy.
A flash usually ends with a sizzle and a fizzle. The dash ends up with everyone gasping for air.
The spark and the glow patiently wait to highlight the next show.
"Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning, but wisdom is like the sun." ~ Franz Grillparzer
Today, be wise, chose your pace wisely.
Today, leave the flash to the pretentious.
Enjoy today, do not dash past a good moment.
The only person you need to impress is yourself.
God loves you.
Seek serenity.
Serenity is learning to change what you can and being willing to accept
that which you cannot change.
Do not waste today trying to catch a flash in the pan.
Do not waste today in a dash from here to there and forget to enjoy what life
has to offer along the way.
Be kind, catch the spark.
Be loving, fan the glowing ember.
Be the person God wants you to be and allow Him to set the pace.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Spirit of the Universe
is the source of all power
and it emanates through you.
You have the choice to do
with that power what you may.
Each individual’s aura,
their glow, their presence,
is a choice, hide it or show it.
The flower emanating its sweet smell is the essence of the Higher Power whose will created all.
"What's in a name?
That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
The red flower attracts the hummingbird, yet most scientist agree
that only humans can see colors.
God has given all living things the color, the smell, the feel (porcupines and cacti) to protect
themselves as well as to provide for their regeneration.
To be above all other living things humans have been given the additional talent of reasoning.
This talent cannot be used when one is under the mood altered influence of drugs or alcohol.
This talent cannot be used when rage and red are the only feelings and perception
that a person knows.
The talent of reasoning becomes clearer and stronger when you chose to do the next right thing,
the will of a loving Higher Power.
"When valor preys on reason,
it eats the sword it fights with."
Be brave, have faith, but above all, make the reason for your thoughts and actions to be of
maximum service to self, others and your Higher Power.
Emanate the glow of the power that is within you, not by words, but by deeds.
To have a Higher Power remove all your defects of character is as simple as doing for others
without concern or thought for yourself.
"Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind."
The most humble person glows the brightest.
Today, may the emanation of the power within you brighten your glow.
"To be or not to be that is the question.
Whether it is nobler in the mind
to suffer the stings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
or take up arms against a sea of troubles,
and by opposing them, end them."
Today, face the music, laugh, dance, sing and oppose your troubles
with the help of the emanation that flows through you.
Today, choose to emanate kindliness.
Today, choose to emanate love.
Today, choose to emanate the glow that your Higher Power has given you.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Today's quotes: William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
British Poet, Playwright, Actor
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Negative Fear
Negative fear??
O.K., the dumb
question is ???
What is
Positive Fear ???
Positive fears are the God given instinctive and sometimes
intuitive fears that protect us from harm, our survival instincts,
those fears that are rational:
If it looks and sounds like a tiger, run.
If it smells like rotten eggs, don't eat it.
If it tastes like alcohol, don't drink it.
Negative fears are the emotionally created paranoia's
(emotions: the junction between mental and physical.)
that we create to protect our feelings.
Will they protect our lives ???
Yes, if you can believe your own justifications for having those fears.
"I'm afraid of flying," said the little girl to her Grandmother.
The Grandmother asks, "how do you know that you are afraid of flying,
have you ever been in an airplane and taken a flight??"
"No", replies the little girl,
"but my mother told me that we should be afraid of flying."
Do Mothers always know best??
Do teachers and doctors always know what is best for you??
A good sponsor should know only what is best for themselves,
and if it can work for you, use it, if not, find another sponsor.
Isn't it wonderful to know that that given the odds
you will be right half of the time, the secret is to join the choir
that is singing the same tune that you are.
Listen to the argument, snap judgements based on negative irrational fears
and contempt prior to investigation has killed many a drunk.
The moral of the story is, examine your fears, seek out friends and professionals
to give you their opinions about your fears and keep the positive fears that will make
your life happy, joyous and free and give the rest , the negative fears, to a Higher Power,
who, given the strength of your faith, will protect you from harm and fears,
both real and imagined.
Fear is the lack of Faith.
Don't drink, go to meetings and fear only the "Know-it-all."
Happiness is an emotionally calm day.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves..
ME and the Boss
Negative fear??
O.K., the dumb
question is ???
What is
Positive Fear ???
Positive fears are the God given instinctive and sometimes
intuitive fears that protect us from harm, our survival instincts,
those fears that are rational:
If it looks and sounds like a tiger, run.
If it smells like rotten eggs, don't eat it.
If it tastes like alcohol, don't drink it.
Negative fears are the emotionally created paranoia's
(emotions: the junction between mental and physical.)
that we create to protect our feelings.
Will they protect our lives ???
Yes, if you can believe your own justifications for having those fears.
"I'm afraid of flying," said the little girl to her Grandmother.
The Grandmother asks, "how do you know that you are afraid of flying,
have you ever been in an airplane and taken a flight??"
"No", replies the little girl,
"but my mother told me that we should be afraid of flying."
Do Mothers always know best??
Do teachers and doctors always know what is best for you??
A good sponsor should know only what is best for themselves,
and if it can work for you, use it, if not, find another sponsor.
Isn't it wonderful to know that that given the odds
you will be right half of the time, the secret is to join the choir
that is singing the same tune that you are.
Listen to the argument, snap judgements based on negative irrational fears
and contempt prior to investigation has killed many a drunk.
The moral of the story is, examine your fears, seek out friends and professionals
to give you their opinions about your fears and keep the positive fears that will make
your life happy, joyous and free and give the rest , the negative fears, to a Higher Power,
who, given the strength of your faith, will protect you from harm and fears,
both real and imagined.
Fear is the lack of Faith.
Don't drink, go to meetings and fear only the "Know-it-all."
Happiness is an emotionally calm day.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves..
ME and the Boss
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Borrow what you need
and leave the rest.
If you believe that to barrow
means you get to keep it,
then you have a problem.
Photo Credit: Gail Ackerman
If you borrow it, you must return it.
The positive lessons of living life on God’s terms are to borrow good lessons from those
and leave the rest.
If you believe that to barrow
means you get to keep it,
then you have a problem.
Photo Credit: Gail Ackerman
If you borrow it, you must return it.
The positive lessons of living life on God’s terms are to borrow good lessons from those
who have gone before you and to share the lessons with those who want what you have.
"Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble." ~ George Washington
Borrowed, taken, or learned the hard way, life's lessons are of no value to you
if they are not shared and freely given to others.
Actions, not words, convey the lessons of life.
"That's what an army is -- a mob;
they don't fight with courage that's born in them,
but with courage that's borrowed from their mass,
and from their officers." ~ Mark Twain - 1835-1910
Have the courage to do the next right thing and be a part of the army that fights for the love
that is the will of your Higher Power, the Officer of Every Day.
Do not keep a list of those things you have loaned,
but never forget those from whom you have borrowed.
Always borrow from a pessimist, he never expects anything back.
Virtues are not like garden tools which you can borrow,
you will eventually have to possess some of your own.
Love, friendship, generosity, kindness, faith, hope, and joy are virtues you must have
"Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble." ~ George Washington
Borrowed, taken, or learned the hard way, life's lessons are of no value to you
if they are not shared and freely given to others.
Actions, not words, convey the lessons of life.
"That's what an army is -- a mob;
they don't fight with courage that's born in them,
but with courage that's borrowed from their mass,
and from their officers." ~ Mark Twain - 1835-1910
Have the courage to do the next right thing and be a part of the army that fights for the love
that is the will of your Higher Power, the Officer of Every Day.
Do not keep a list of those things you have loaned,
but never forget those from whom you have borrowed.
Always borrow from a pessimist, he never expects anything back.
Virtues are not like garden tools which you can borrow,
you will eventually have to possess some of your own.
Love, friendship, generosity, kindness, faith, hope, and joy are virtues you must have
as a foundation to build a life that is worth sharing.
Courage, discipline, honesty, willingness, self reliance, emotional boundaries and self esteem
Courage, discipline, honesty, willingness, self reliance, emotional boundaries and self esteem
are learned values that are meant to be shared with family and friends.
If you believe that your dysfunctional family taught you the wrong values, get a new family.
If you have friends who are as crazy as you are, have fun.
It is hard to play on the see-saw if you are all alone.
Put balance in your life, have friends who know how to share, one's who will not roll off
If you believe that your dysfunctional family taught you the wrong values, get a new family.
If you have friends who are as crazy as you are, have fun.
It is hard to play on the see-saw if you are all alone.
Put balance in your life, have friends who know how to share, one's who will not roll off
of the bottom of the see-saw while you are dangling from the high end.
Friendship can never be bought, borrowed or sold, it is a gift to be cherished,
a treasure beyond compare.
Today must not borrow from tomorrow.
Be kind, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be loving, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be the person God wants you to be, you are living on His borrowed time.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Friendship can never be bought, borrowed or sold, it is a gift to be cherished,
a treasure beyond compare.
Today must not borrow from tomorrow.
Be kind, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be loving, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be the person God wants you to be, you are living on His borrowed time.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Monday, July 11, 2011
Games People Play
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Photo credit: Gail Ackerman |
Hide and Seek,
find my emotions,
is a game
that some adults
to stop playing.
Fear, you may learn too much about me if I let my emotions show.
Fear, you may use my emotional weaknesses to hurt me if I tell you too much about myself.
Fear, you may not like me if you know too much about my emotional personae.
So we'll play the game of you tell me one thing about you and I'll tell you one thing about me.
So we'll play the game that I'll say that I agree with you, even when I don't.
So we'll play the game of I'll tell you, only if you promise not to tell anyone else.
So eventually the fear, distrust and the lies are found out and the Game is Over,
no more friendship, no more relationship, no more marriage.
Grow up, stop playing games.
The rules of the game say that first you must know yourself.
There can be no two sets of rules, one for you and one for others.
Emotions and motives may only be positive: no fear, hate, distrust, jealousy, envy, spite
or other feelings which may harm you or others are allowed in the game.
Other important rules include:
No lying, No cheating, and No stealing.
(Unless it is stealing second base during the family picnic softball game.)
Lawyer language should not be needed to outline or detail the rules of engagement.
No disclaimers allowed.
Faith, hope, courage, kindness, and love are feelings the God has given man
to make this world a better place to live.
Misuse of these emotions violates the rules of God's game.
Be honest, obeying the rules of common decency is everyone's responsibility.
Be open minded, accept God's world as it is, not as you think it should be.
Be willing, change is a part of growing, some rules are made to be broken.
Have faith that those who do the will of a Higher Power are all winners in the game of life.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Friday, July 1, 2011
Good days,
bad days,
average days,
it is your
that makes
the difference. Photo credit : Gail Ackerman
The good days are a blessing, even though there are mean people who will try to ruin everyone’s
dreams, because mean people are not happy and they do not want anyone else to be happy and
they definitely do not want to try to be above average.
Unfortunately, the bad days occur, a little rain must fall into everyone's life.
Trying to make the average days exciting or even memorable is the real talent of a positive
thinking person.
"What a distressing contrast there is
between the radiant intelligence of the child
and the feeble mentality of the average adult." ~ Sigmund Freud
Teachers of children usually have exciting lives because the enthusiasm of the children
influences the teacher.
Become a teacher, every day.
Teach yourself a new word every day.
Teach yourself to expand your gratitude list.
Teach yourself to become enthusiastic about average things.
Enthusiastic: (Greek) En - inside, Theos - God, the word means: the God within you.
Enthusiasm is to show your God given joy for living.
Teach others, children from one to ninety-two, how to live a better than average, enthusiastic,
memorable and blessed daily life.
You are the average of what you expect from life.
Learn and teach that your Higher Power will meet your needs.
Today, without a better than average attitude, today will be just another average day.
Perspective is how you look at life, not how you assume others see your life.
You do not have to judge what your average is by those around you.
Lift your friends and family above the average.
If your friends and family are too heavy to lift, find some new friends and send the family a post
card, or e-mail them a picture, and let them see how you enjoy living a life that is above average.
The joy of living is in giving the effort to try to be better than average.
Today, try to be more kind. Today, try to be more loving.
Today, laugh louder and sing louder than average.
Today, try to do more of the will of your Higher Power.
The will of a Higher Power is to make this world a better than average place to live.
Today, do not aspire to have an average day.
Good, bad or average, it is your perspective , your attitude that will be judged at days end.
Today, change your attitude to be better than average.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
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