Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Real Smile

The not real


lazy, (it only takes
two muscles to smile
and twenty-two
to frown),

under the influence
and or
for whatever reason,
obviously not genuine,

not real.


Then there is the "real smile."

From beyond the soul a "real smile" has an energy that

emanates from the Great Creator, a Higher Power,

a God of your understanding.

The "real smile" has its roots in unconditional love.

The "real smile" is :

and free,

free from guilt, shame, or resentments

and free of any emotions that would prevent one

from doing their best, the next right thing,

the will of the Spirit of the Uni-verse.      (One-song)

As with any emotion, there are some who go to the extremes

and there are some who stand in the middle ground trying

to figure out if the elevator is going up or down.

Most enjoy moving through their emotional life

in the middle ground,  not too angry, not too kind or too loving

(at least until I get to know you better),

in control....

Then again there are the blessed blithe spirits

who live on top of the kind and loving emotional roller coaster

of life and it seems that their smile keeps them levitated,

out of harms way, willing to think of others first,

immune to the slings and arrows of the mean and jealous,

just happy, joyous and free,

free to be at peace with the God of their understanding.

How do I know about the real smile ???, it was taught to me

by a recently departed acquaintance who always wore the real smile.

For those who shared their memories of their friend, the smile was always

the first recollection, followed by realization of this is how a real smile is to be.

Although her journey was by no means always a Sunday country ride,

she  used her experience strength and hope

only to make this world a better place.

Today, as we remember Marcie, the fellowship will always be able to share

her legacy of the "real smile" and how it is what many people want,

and how this program works.

Love is a real smile.

Love is helping someone love themselves.

ME and the Boss






Marcia Peterson   12/31/36  -  11-/09/11


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