Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hot Peppers


Life is not a complete garden salad

until you add a little spice of life to the mix.

 Most garden salads begin with the basic

lettuce, some green, some red, twenty

or more varieties because we are not

all the same, or maybe just your basic spinach.

Add the cucumbers, the onions, the carrots,

the green peppers, and a few stale croutons

if you must, and, wa la, a salad.

Salad dressings are like a religion, some people need them, and some people don't.

 Again, choosing a salad dressing or choosing a religion, is often a matter of ethnic

and cultural heritage. When in Rome, do as the Romans, mostly Caesar and mostly Catholic.

 To the English dressing is yogurt and the Church of England. To the French, it is French

dressing and a mix of religions. As we go around the world, Ranch, Thousand Island,

Roquefort, Terriyaki sauce, Hot bacon dressing, or whatever your Mom made for you,

your choice in salad greens, salad dressings and religions is most often a family thing.

 Comfort is good, but variety is the spice of life. Today, get out the cook book and find

a new salad and a new salad dressing. Today, get out the encyclopedia and learn about

one different religion. What you will learn is that food is food, all around this world, and

it is all God given. What you will learn is that religion is religion, all around this world,

 and it is all God given. Today, understand that just because different people have different

 taste in salads, they do not have to be enemies.

 Today, understand that just because different people have different religions, they do not

have to be enemies. Mean and ignorant people make enemies, not religions or salads.

 Today, be kind to your enemies, after all, you made them.

 Today, be kind, not mean, and try a different lettuce in your bowl.

 Today, be loving, and look for a different salad dressing to put on your salad.

 Today, be patient and tolerant, educating the mean people appears to be a daunting

task since many of the teachers are politicians and preachers.

 Today, religion aside, be the person that your Higher Power wants you to be.

 Today, let the love of your Higher Power spice up your soul. 

Happiness is having a taste for the unusual.

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






Thursday, November 15, 2012


Humility is the ladder to divine understanding.

There is a Higher Power and it is not you or me.

"But those who are ignorant of the truth do not
think that these prophets are to be believed; for they say that those voices are not divine, but human." ~ Lactantius

Even though I am not God, I believe that every

action and every word of every person who has

lived or is living, me included, are the words

and actions of a Higher Power who is the

very soul of every being, and the soul of every thing that fills this universe.

Even the void of space has the energy of the Spirit of the Universe passing through it.

A Divine being talks to me through other people...

So now that I have made you God, what are you going to do with your divinity??

"The choice that you, as a Soul, have in relation to anything is always to be loving.
Do you understand that this is the divine purpose that all of us as humans have been given -
to love unconditionally?" ~ John Morton

Be kind, you may be the only conscious contact that another person may have with

their Higher Power today. Do not let your divinity go to your head, motives are choices

 that a Higher Power gives you, chose to love with your heart, not your head.

Be loving, your soul grows stronger and brighter as you share your love, your hopes

and dreams. Where do you think the saint's halos come from??

Halos are the brilliance's of a kind and loving soul shining through and around their

earthly bodies. Balance your divinity with your humility. Give your Higher Power the

credit for your good deeds. If you chose to be a mean, selfish, ugly and nasty person,

take all the credit for yourself.

"Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit,
not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose.
From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do
know that man is here for the sake of other men." ~ Albert Einstein

Today, be the divine person your Higher Power wants you to be.

Happiness is using your divinity wisely.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss





Tuesday, November 13, 2012


. Button, button, who has the button ???

I remember the name of the game from

when we played it in elementary school,

but I can't remember the rules

or how one was a winner or loser.

However, these are not the buttons

that I am referring to in the title of this article.

What I would like to discuss are the emotional buttons that most people have,

at least those bodies that are conscious and alive.

As a drunk I loved my buttons, they were the excuses needed to get pissed off

and go stomping off to the bar where I knew there were people who understood me

and where button pushing was an art, a science, to be used and abused for the

entertainment of one and all.

Then I found the rooms of AA and two things were pointed out to me:

1.) An alcoholic does not need an excuse to drink. An alcoholic drinks because he has to,

his body, mind and soul are under the addictive influence of alcohol and the obsession

and compulsion to drink are causes which the alcoholic has no control over.

2.) The buttons are mine and how I react is my responsibility, my choice.

Good  button, Bad button.

The bad buttons are anger, jealousy, envy, grandiosity, know-it-all ism, and just

about every negative emotion that one can think of.

These buttons control the gate, the door, the curtain, the window dressing of who I really am.

My disease of alcholism wants me to isolate, be alone, push away anyone who loves me

and to ultimately kill myself.

The bad buttons are the best defense for hinding the me that I could no longer identify.

The good buttons are attitudes of kindness and unconditional love the people who

are in control of their emotions display all day, every day.

Good buttons establish boundries that keep one from being used and abused.

The good buttons generate compassion and forgiveness, no more need to hide,

no more need to lie, cheat and steal.

Today, do not push the buttons of the sick and suffering, be a good example

and show how a faith in a Higher Power can allow one to display only the healthy

buttons, can lead one on a pathway of sobriety that is happy, joyous and free.

Today, display your God button for all to see and know that the grace of the

Spirit of the Universe is how the alcoholic/addict achieves sobriety.

Happiness is a button (attitude) of gratitude.


ME and the Boss






Saturday, November 10, 2012


. It is not a coincidence,

it is a God incidence,

 and the answer is always there.

Even before you thought to pray,

as soon as you thought to pray,

some time after you have prayed,

the answer will be given,

in God's time, not yours.

God knows when you are ready to receive the message.

Even if you miss the message the first twenty two times, God will continue to send

you messages of His will until you finally see the way. Every morning in your daily

readings, good book, bad book, newspaper, boob tube, internet or just by having the

fool driver in front of you stop in the middle of the road, for no apparent reason,

God is sending you answers to your prayers, even the prayers not spoken.

Slow down, enjoy life, be happy, spread the joy, be kind, be loving, be the good person

your Higher Power wants you to be.

"This week I encourage you to stop playing "my life would be perfect if," and start
playing "my perfect life." What's the difference? Three things: being in the present,
an attitude of gratitude, taking action with what's available now." ~ Betty Mahalik

Have an attitude of gratitude. Everyone is perfect, just the way a Higher Power wants

them to be, so that they can better do His will, that is unless you have decided that today

you are going to be God's critic and you are going to establish the parameters for what

is or is not perfect.

Good luck.

It is no coincidence when two people become friends,  lovers, soul mates or the mates

luck, miracle
from hell, God had his fingers in the incident.

"There is nothing more admirable than two people who see eye-to-eye keeping house
as man and wife, confounding their enemies, and delighting their friends." ~ Homer

A coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous,

a God incidence which we must accept, do not look for the whys and wherefores,

enjoy the lesson, let God be God and let you be you.

Happiness is knowing that there are no coincidences, only God incidences.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss