Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hot Peppers


Life is not a complete garden salad

until you add a little spice of life to the mix.

 Most garden salads begin with the basic

lettuce, some green, some red, twenty

or more varieties because we are not

all the same, or maybe just your basic spinach.

Add the cucumbers, the onions, the carrots,

the green peppers, and a few stale croutons

if you must, and, wa la, a salad.

Salad dressings are like a religion, some people need them, and some people don't.

 Again, choosing a salad dressing or choosing a religion, is often a matter of ethnic

and cultural heritage. When in Rome, do as the Romans, mostly Caesar and mostly Catholic.

 To the English dressing is yogurt and the Church of England. To the French, it is French

dressing and a mix of religions. As we go around the world, Ranch, Thousand Island,

Roquefort, Terriyaki sauce, Hot bacon dressing, or whatever your Mom made for you,

your choice in salad greens, salad dressings and religions is most often a family thing.

 Comfort is good, but variety is the spice of life. Today, get out the cook book and find

a new salad and a new salad dressing. Today, get out the encyclopedia and learn about

one different religion. What you will learn is that food is food, all around this world, and

it is all God given. What you will learn is that religion is religion, all around this world,

 and it is all God given. Today, understand that just because different people have different

 taste in salads, they do not have to be enemies.

 Today, understand that just because different people have different religions, they do not

have to be enemies. Mean and ignorant people make enemies, not religions or salads.

 Today, be kind to your enemies, after all, you made them.

 Today, be kind, not mean, and try a different lettuce in your bowl.

 Today, be loving, and look for a different salad dressing to put on your salad.

 Today, be patient and tolerant, educating the mean people appears to be a daunting

task since many of the teachers are politicians and preachers.

 Today, religion aside, be the person that your Higher Power wants you to be.

 Today, let the love of your Higher Power spice up your soul. 

Happiness is having a taste for the unusual.

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






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