Drama is nothing but a poorly written comedy.
The difference between success and failure
The difference between success and failure
is an opinion.
Drama assumes that you believe everything
Drama assumes that you believe everything
is a failure.
Chaos is drama with a tad of hysteria
Chaos is drama with a tad of hysteria
added for spice.
Funny is when you realize the absurdity
Funny is when you realize the absurdity
of the drama.
A good comedian pokes fun at how serious we think we are.
"Remember that you are an actor in a drama,
of such a part as it may please the master to assign you,
for a long time or for a little as he may choose.
And if he will you to take the part of a poor man,
or a cripple, or a ruler, or a private citizen,
then may you act that part with grace!
For to act well the part that is allotted to us,
that indeed is ours to do,
but to choose it is another story." ~ Epictetus
Drama is not accepting the will of your Higher Power.
Drama is trying to write the next chapter of your life's story
to come out the way you want it to.
Drama is not changing when change is needed.
If other people, places and things are creating drama in your life, move up, move on,
A good comedian pokes fun at how serious we think we are.
"Remember that you are an actor in a drama,
of such a part as it may please the master to assign you,
for a long time or for a little as he may choose.
And if he will you to take the part of a poor man,
or a cripple, or a ruler, or a private citizen,
then may you act that part with grace!
For to act well the part that is allotted to us,
that indeed is ours to do,
but to choose it is another story." ~ Epictetus
Drama is not accepting the will of your Higher Power.
Drama is trying to write the next chapter of your life's story
to come out the way you want it to.
Drama is not changing when change is needed.
If other people, places and things are creating drama in your life, move up, move on,
move out, move a muscle and change a thought and get on with the happy side of your life.
Teach your children drama and they will fail, teach them laughter and love and they will
Teach your children drama and they will fail, teach them laughter and love and they will
succeed in having no drama in their lives.
This world is not a drama of the good guys versus the bad guys, it is your world to love.
This world is not a drama of the good guys versus the bad guys, it is your world to love.
Beware of the devil and his devices or vices and do not become a bad guy.
To avoid drama avoid the seven deadly sins.
If you seek to do the will of your Higher Power on a daily basis
the surprises in life will be less dramatic.
Seeking God's help after you have run the train off the tracks is how dramas are created.
Pray for guidance to accept God's will and then go out and work your tail off to make
If you seek to do the will of your Higher Power on a daily basis
the surprises in life will be less dramatic.
Seeking God's help after you have run the train off the tracks is how dramas are created.
Pray for guidance to accept God's will and then go out and work your tail off to make
Eliminate drama by doing God's will:
being kind is not dramatic,
being loving is not traumatic,
being patient and tolerant involves no conflict,
there is no chaos in acting out the role your Higher Power has given you.
"There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility.
Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy." ~ Mark Twain
God will give you the chance, you must make the choice.
Laugh often, Sing loud, And Dance when you get the chance!
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
Dramatically yours, Michael_e