Thursday, September 20, 2012


. Gratitude is a feeling of happiness

that grows within you when you learn

to do the will of your Higher Power.

Kindness, Love, Patience and Tolerance

 are the seeds of gratitude.

You must also know that you can plant

the seeds of your own self destruction

should you give into bad habits and negative feelings.

Examine your seeds before you sow them today. Not sure which seeds are good,

which are bad, pray to your Higher Power for guidance.

Have a friend, find a friend, one who knows happiness and is grateful for being exactly as

their Higher Power wants them to be, the one who knows how to plant a good seed.

God gives us the chance to be a weed or a flower, we make the choice.

You make the choice to plant your seeds in the good soil of kindness

or in the desert sands of despair.

You make your choice to water your seeds with love or allow them to dry up and wither away.

You make the choice to put your seeds in the sunlight of a Higher Power and have the patience

and tolerance to allow God to do His will.

Go to places where you find happy people, where the judge and the jury are there to laugh

with you, to help you nurture your soul, not to look down upon you with scorn, to punish

you for having become the bad weed.

"One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers,
but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.
The curriculum is so much necessary raw material,
but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant
and for the soul of the child."                                                     ~ Carl Jung

Check out your garden today and make your gratitude list,

Beautiful flowers of kindness all around the perimeter.

Baskets full of vegetables of love, waiting to feed your soul.

A few fruit trees of patience and tolerance that will bear the fruits

of a loving family and friends, and a savory patch of herbs and spices

will make life more enjoyable.

Today, know that all is well with your garden when you have more than enough

to share with someone who is having troubles with their garden.

Today, know that you cannot pull out the weeds from the garden of family,

friends or the needy.

Today, know that you cannot tend the garden of others, just show them

what makes your garden grow.

Today, sow well, tend well, and the gardens reward for you will be a feast tomorrow.

Gratitude is the heart's memory.

Happiness is having the seeds of gratitude growing in your heart.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss







. On a scale of one to ten,

with ten being the best,

God said we are all tens.

Why should we argue

with God and be judges

of others character,

even when we know

that our own character

may be less than the best.


We judge the character of others so that we do not have to look at our own character.

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” ~ Anon.

God does not hold grudges or keep score, so why should we?

God gives us a chance to be a ten every day, the choice is ours to act that way.

Be kind, smile at ten people today.

Be loving, tell someone in your life that they are a ten
and more importantly tell them how special they are to you.

Be patient and tolerant and when all else fails, count to ten.

Be forgiving, keep the Ten Comandments.

Today, be the ten your Higher Power wants you to be.

Happiness is being able to count to ten.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






Sunday, September 16, 2012


Shame and hubris are self conscious emotions.

One must first be conscious before the feeling can be experienced.

Addictions are unconscious behaviors.

Rage and jealousy are habits that are unconsciously produced.

Shame is consciously knowing that one
has not met a standard of normal behavior.

When a person becomes conscious after an unconscionable episode, the shame is the aftermath of the damage created.

Hubris is an exaggerated pride or over self confidence to the point where they are
not conscious of their affects on others because they set standards that no one can achieve.

Do not expect others to do as you claim to have done, when in reality, only your exaggerated
self esteem dreamed that you met a certain standard. Do not tell people about your sobriety,
show them. You are not a guru just because you believe you are one.

The shame is in living a sham. We should be ashamed of our pride, but never proud of our shame. Common sense hides shame. Honesty and consciousness are the standards for shameless living.
Get out of your own way, out of your own head, help others and do the will of your Higher Power.

"There is no shame in taking orders from those
who themselves have learned to obey." William Forster

Do the will of your Higher Power. Hang with the winners, the ones who walk the walk,
not just talk the talk. Live together, or die alone in shame. Be happy, laugh and love, there is no shame in living well.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


  "To be able

under all circumstances

to practice five things

constitutes perfect virtue:

these five things are gravity,

generosity of soul,

sincerity, earnestness and kindness. "

~ Confucius BC 551-479


Gravity means to live up to moral standards of what is right, in thoughts as well as in deeds.

Sincerity relates to ones capacity to act, potency is a synonym of virtue that defines this aptitude.

"Faith without works is dead."       ~ BB page 88

Earnestness is understood to be the virtue of valor, the courage to do the next right thing.

Kindness, the virtue defined by the Golden Rule of life, is having the faith to believe what
you give you will merit in return.

Generosity of the soul is your celestial hierarchy, the angel you wish to be:

From the lowest rank: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers,
Virtues, the angels right in the middle, and Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim,
to the Seraphim, the highest ranking of all of the angels, be the best angel you can be.

A little virtue is better than no virtue at all.

"For peace is not mere absence of war, but is a virtue that springs from,
a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice."           ~ Baruch Spinoza

All the good words you can think of are virtues that you can aspire to.

All the good deeds you can do will be virtuous.

All the good thoughts, the ones that your Higher Power already knows you are thinking,
are the virtues that will give you serenity, peace of mind and the ability to sleep well.

The virtue of the angels is the power that constitutes the Spirit of the Universe.

Today, do not pick and chose the virtue you wish to practice, know that all the virtues
work together to make one happy, joyous and free.

Today, by the generosity of your heart and soul, chose the angel you wish to be and
practice random acts of senseless kindness.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






Monday, September 10, 2012


The right answer is an opinion.

"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly.

I said, I don't know."
~ Mark Twain

Sometimes the obvious makes the question

more difficult to answer.

When there is a good question it is usually

better than the answer you will receive.

Sometimes silence is the best answer.




The smartest and wisest are not the ones with all the answers,

they are those who know how to ask the right question.

Those who know peace of mind and serenity are the ones who

know that yesterday's answers may not apply to today's question.

Life is a question, the answer is your choice.

When the answer is to do the next right thing you cannot go wrong.

When the answer obeys the will of a Higher Power

only good things can happen.

Reply, be kind.

Respond, be loving.

Retort, be patient and tolerant.

Rejoinder, be the person God wants you to be.

Today, make the best answer to that difficult question

take the form of another question to you Higher Power,

the question whose answer will provide guidance,

strength of character and the courage

to be the best you can be.

Today, be happy that you do not know all the answers.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

As A Drunk Sees It: Secret

As A Drunk Sees It: Secret: . The secret is not to have any secrets. The secret to life, the secret to happiness, the secret to fame and fortune, are not...


. The secret is

not to have any secrets.

The secret to life,

the secret to happiness,

the secret to fame and fortune,

are not really secrets,

they are the lazy and stupid persons reasons

for blaming God and others for their personal discontent.

Sick secrets keep the sick, sick.

Most secrets are thoughts kept inside of our heads because we fear if someone
should know what we are thinking, they will no longer like or love us.
Your Higher Power knows what you are thinking, yet He still likes and loves you.
Nothing is as burdensome as a secret.

"Self-trust is the first secret to success." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your Higher Power keeps no secrets. You do not need a secret code to decipher
what is the will of your Higher Power . God is not closemouthed about His will.
When a friend tells you that you are keeping a sick secret, that is your Higher Power
telling on you.

Mother Nature does not seclude her gardens bounty from anyone.
The not to secret miracle for growing a garden is water, sunlight,
and tender loving attention.

Put that manure in a box and market it to those who are too smart to think.

Happiness is not hidden under a rock.

Faith is not a clandestine affair with your Higher Power.

Love is not a surreptitious meeting of divergent souls.

Friendship is not an esoteric agreement between strangers.

Hope is not a covert effort to hide your self esteem from those who may harm you.

A wish is not a secluded desire to do the next right thing.

There is no secret.

Wish, hope, dream, be honest, listen closely, change, enjoy the passage of time,
be kind, be loving, be happy, be tolerant, be patient, be forgiving and if you do all of this
with a smile on your face, you will know the secret of life.

Smile, it will make others think you have a secret.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME  and the Boss




