Monday, September 10, 2012


The right answer is an opinion.

"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly.

I said, I don't know."
~ Mark Twain

Sometimes the obvious makes the question

more difficult to answer.

When there is a good question it is usually

better than the answer you will receive.

Sometimes silence is the best answer.




The smartest and wisest are not the ones with all the answers,

they are those who know how to ask the right question.

Those who know peace of mind and serenity are the ones who

know that yesterday's answers may not apply to today's question.

Life is a question, the answer is your choice.

When the answer is to do the next right thing you cannot go wrong.

When the answer obeys the will of a Higher Power

only good things can happen.

Reply, be kind.

Respond, be loving.

Retort, be patient and tolerant.

Rejoinder, be the person God wants you to be.

Today, make the best answer to that difficult question

take the form of another question to you Higher Power,

the question whose answer will provide guidance,

strength of character and the courage

to be the best you can be.

Today, be happy that you do not know all the answers.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

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