Tuesday, September 11, 2012


  "To be able

under all circumstances

to practice five things

constitutes perfect virtue:

these five things are gravity,

generosity of soul,

sincerity, earnestness and kindness. "

~ Confucius BC 551-479


Gravity means to live up to moral standards of what is right, in thoughts as well as in deeds.

Sincerity relates to ones capacity to act, potency is a synonym of virtue that defines this aptitude.

"Faith without works is dead."       ~ BB page 88

Earnestness is understood to be the virtue of valor, the courage to do the next right thing.

Kindness, the virtue defined by the Golden Rule of life, is having the faith to believe what
you give you will merit in return.

Generosity of the soul is your celestial hierarchy, the angel you wish to be:

From the lowest rank: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers,
Virtues, the angels right in the middle, and Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim,
to the Seraphim, the highest ranking of all of the angels, be the best angel you can be.

A little virtue is better than no virtue at all.

"For peace is not mere absence of war, but is a virtue that springs from,
a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice."           ~ Baruch Spinoza

All the good words you can think of are virtues that you can aspire to.

All the good deeds you can do will be virtuous.

All the good thoughts, the ones that your Higher Power already knows you are thinking,
are the virtues that will give you serenity, peace of mind and the ability to sleep well.

The virtue of the angels is the power that constitutes the Spirit of the Universe.

Today, do not pick and chose the virtue you wish to practice, know that all the virtues
work together to make one happy, joyous and free.

Today, by the generosity of your heart and soul, chose the angel you wish to be and
practice random acts of senseless kindness.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






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