I don’t care
that you don’t care
about your sobriety,
but please
respect the rights
of others.
A 12 Step meeting usually last one hour and for a number of reasons you should be in you seat when the meeting is started and you should still be in your seat when the meeting is over.
Although the format of the meeting is arbitrary the reason for the meeting and the participation of the attendees is always a constant, to carry the message to all who seek sobriety.
If the meeting begins with prayer or readings one should listen closely to the words, there may be a key to today’s peace of mind in the message.
If you had a good sponsor, the person who walked you through the steps and explained How It Works for him and others, he would be remiss if he did not explain that the way to recovery is change.
Therefore, no matter how many times you have heard the prayer, no matter how many times you have heard the readings, listen closely because today is a different day, the world has changed and the words in the message may be heard differently today because hopefully you also have changed.
It was once pointed out to me that when someone is sharing there are a few reasons that we should be very attentive to their story:
Hopefully their message has to do with the topic of the meeting and hopefully the topic is about not drinking, one day at a time.
It also can be very devastating to a person sharing their pain, struggles, guilt, remorse and shame to look up and see two people talking and laughing, the automatic reaction is for the sharer to believe that they are laughing at him and his reason for seeking sobriety is shattered, his trust in the fellowship destroyed.
The person you are talking to may miss the necessary tool to keep their sobriety because you were taking their focus away from the true message.
Respect, if someone is sharing from the heart about HOW the program works,
“learn to listen and listen to learn.”
Although the program of AA is suggested, there are some rules of etiquette that should be adhered to at meetings:
Get your coffee and sit down, the next cup will wait until the meeting is over.
Only one activity at a time should be happening, do not pass around telephone list, collection baskets, announcements, cake or cards while readings or sharing is happening.
Clean up is after the meeting is over, coffee for after the meeting is important.
Do not put your telephone on vibrate and leave the meeting at any time to answer calls, if you are on call and you must be available to be called in case of emergencies, sit next to the door in the rear, and do not share your experience, strength and hope unless you are able to do so without interruption.
You know, keep your sharing brief, you know, and to the topic, you know, because most people, you know, begin to repeat themselves in three to five minutes, you know, and no, I do not know, because
if I did know I would not be at a meeting seeking wisdom from someone who can help me stay sober,
one day at a time.
AA is a spiritual program shared by humble people who leave their egos at the door.
There is no such thing as a bad meeting; it is only that some meetings are better than others.
Today, do your part, sit for an hour and make your meeting the best meeting in town.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Peace on Earth
Peace on Earth
begins with me.
When I have no fear,
when I have faith,
when I am not at war
with myself,
when I have freedom
from disquieting or oppressive
thoughts or emotions,
when I live in a state of tranquility or quiet,
when I know that the will of a Higher Power,
not my will, is being done,
then I shall know peace of mind and I will be enjoying Pace on Earth.
"Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the universe.
But maybe, by raising my voice I can help the greatest of all causes
-- goodwill among men and peace on earth." ~ Albert Einstein
Be kind, smile, let the peace within you shine through.
Be loving, hug; share the peace that is within you.
Be patient and tolerant, some have yet to learn
how to let peace into their souls.
Be the peaceful person your Higher Power wants you to be.
"I heard the bells on Christmas Day.
Their old familiar carols play.
And wild and sweet the words repeat.
Of peace on earth goodwill to men." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Today, be at peace with yourself and be the best example
of Peace on Earth that anyone will see today.
Remember to repeat this suggestion for the next 364 days.
Happiness is knowing that serenity and peace of mind are inside jobs.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Real Smile
The not real
lazy, (it only takes
two muscles to smile
and twenty-two
to frown),
under the influence
and or
for whatever reason,
obviously not genuine,
not real.
Then there is the "real smile."
From beyond the soul a "real smile" has an energy that
emanates from the Great Creator, a Higher Power,
a God of your understanding.
The "real smile" has its roots in unconditional love.
The "real smile" is :
and free,
free from guilt, shame, or resentments
and free of any emotions that would prevent one
from doing their best, the next right thing,
the will of the Spirit of the Uni-verse. (One-song)
As with any emotion, there are some who go to the extremes
and there are some who stand in the middle ground trying
to figure out if the elevator is going up or down.
Most enjoy moving through their emotional life
in the middle ground, not too angry, not too kind or too loving
(at least until I get to know you better),
in control....
Then again there are the blessed blithe spirits
who live on top of the kind and loving emotional roller coaster
of life and it seems that their smile keeps them levitated,
out of harms way, willing to think of others first,
immune to the slings and arrows of the mean and jealous,
just happy, joyous and free,
free to be at peace with the God of their understanding.
How do I know about the real smile ???, it was taught to me
by a recently departed acquaintance who always wore the real smile.
For those who shared their memories of their friend, the smile was always
the first recollection, followed by realization of this is how a real smile is to be.
Although her journey was by no means always a Sunday country ride,
she used her experience strength and hope
only to make this world a better place.
Today, as we remember Marcie, the fellowship will always be able to share
her legacy of the "real smile" and how it is what many people want,
and how this program works.
Love is a real smile.
Love is helping someone love themselves.
ME and the Boss
Marcia Peterson 12/31/36 - 11-/09/11
lazy, (it only takes
two muscles to smile
and twenty-two
to frown),
under the influence
and or
for whatever reason,
obviously not genuine,
not real.
Then there is the "real smile."
From beyond the soul a "real smile" has an energy that
emanates from the Great Creator, a Higher Power,
a God of your understanding.
The "real smile" has its roots in unconditional love.
The "real smile" is :
and free,
free from guilt, shame, or resentments
and free of any emotions that would prevent one
from doing their best, the next right thing,
the will of the Spirit of the Uni-verse. (One-song)
As with any emotion, there are some who go to the extremes
and there are some who stand in the middle ground trying
to figure out if the elevator is going up or down.
Most enjoy moving through their emotional life
in the middle ground, not too angry, not too kind or too loving
(at least until I get to know you better),
in control....
Then again there are the blessed blithe spirits
who live on top of the kind and loving emotional roller coaster
of life and it seems that their smile keeps them levitated,
out of harms way, willing to think of others first,
immune to the slings and arrows of the mean and jealous,
just happy, joyous and free,
free to be at peace with the God of their understanding.
How do I know about the real smile ???, it was taught to me
by a recently departed acquaintance who always wore the real smile.
For those who shared their memories of their friend, the smile was always
the first recollection, followed by realization of this is how a real smile is to be.
Although her journey was by no means always a Sunday country ride,
she used her experience strength and hope
only to make this world a better place.
Today, as we remember Marcie, the fellowship will always be able to share
her legacy of the "real smile" and how it is what many people want,
and how this program works.
Love is a real smile.
Love is helping someone love themselves.
ME and the Boss
Marcia Peterson 12/31/36 - 11-/09/11
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
In the middle
of the word
you will find
the root word,
Funny isn't it??
Not funny looking, Ha, Ha, but just fun to be alive.
To elate and enliven, to make cheerful and excited
are all good causes to have an exhilarating day.
Wake up, go for a walk, smell the roses, enjoy good friends
and family, treat yourself to an attitude of gratitude.
"It's exhilarating to be alive
in a time of awakening consciousness;
it can also be confusing, disorienting, and painful. ~ Adrienne Rich
When exploring new feelings, both good and bad, it is helpful
to have a support group handy to help you learn about yourself.
Have faith, whether you may believe it or not, many other
people have had similar feelings and they can tell you what to expect
and suggest what to do when those new to you feelings are experienced.
Select a support group that has been there and done that,
ones who are not confused, disoriented or suffering, but
ones who know happy, joyous and free, and exhilarating.
Know that drugs and alcohol may produce exhilarating feelings,
but when the habit, the addiction, becomes all consuming,
the feeling of exhilaration becomes one of despair.
Do not despair, change can be exhilarating.
"Winners take time to relish their work,
knowing that scaling the mountain
is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. ~ Denis Waitley
Those who break a bad habit, quit an addictive behavior, are Winners and Miracles.
They are the Winners and Miracles who have conquered challenges
that may be greater than the scaling of the tallest mountains know to man.
Those people who know how to change will tell you that a loving
Higher Power is the most important part of their support group.
Learning the will of a Higher Power gives direction to the changes to be made.
Learning to do the next right thing in service to self, others and
your Higher Power is the will of a loving Spirit of the Universe.
Be kind, that exhilarating feeling works for both the giver and the receiver.
Be loving, that exhilarating feeling works for both the giver and the receiver, only more so.
Be patient and tolerant, some people need to change and they just do not realize it.
Be forgiving, remember how many fingers are pointing back at you
when you point one finger at someone else.
"Excess on occasion is exhilarating.
It prevents moderation
from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit." ~ W. Somerset Maugham
Today, be excessive; be kinder, be more loving, give more and expect less,
be better than the person your Higher Power wants you to be,
and go for the most exhilarating feeling you can find.
Happiness is a good exhilarating feeling.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves
ME and the Boss
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Stupid Ignorance
is unable
to learn,
is choosing
not to learn.
Stupid is slow of mind.
Ignorance is slow of will.
We are all born with some degree of stupidity, how we practice it is
our choice.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool
than to speak out and remove all doubt."- Abraham Lincoln
Scientist believe that man uses but ten percent of his brain capacity.
Ignorant is a lack of knowledge, education, or awareness.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information,
which is proof against all arguments
and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance ~
that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~ Herbert Spencer
Ignorance has no humility.
Learn to say I do not know.
Learn that what is a fact today, tomorrow my be a fallacy
and a historical footnote on the way to a new discovery.
"Beware of the man of one book." ~ Thomas Aquinas
Big Book, Book of Mormon, Koran, Bible, Bhagavad-Gita,
religious or not, learn from them all.
"Almost every wise saying has an opposite one,
no less wise, to balance it." ~ George Santayana
Learn both sides of the argument and confound the ignorant.
Have faith, do the next right thing, and know that the truth
will be the will of your Higher Power, and wisdom will be your reward.
"Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding,
disbelief or ignorance." ~ W.Clement Stone
To believe or not to believe is a choice.
A Higher Power will give you the chance to learn, the choice is yours.
Learn to be kind, the ignorant need all the help they can get.
Learn to love, the ignorant are missing out on a great feeling.
Learn to be patient and tolerant, the ignorant have practiced
unknowing for so long that they believe themselves to always be right..
Learn to forgive, resentments will only do harm to yourself.
Learn to be the person your Higher Power wants you to be.
"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." ~ Socrates
Happiness is knowing how to be a good learner.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Valuable and Powerful
"The most
valuable possession
you can own
is an open heart.
The most
powerful weapon
you can be is an
instrument of peace."
~ Carlos Santana
The most valuable possession and the most powerful weapon
that God has is you.
Open your heart, be kind and loving, and seek to do the will
of your loving Higher Power.
Today, treat yourself to the best attitude you can find,
start with an attitude of gratitude for God giving you
the chance to make this world a better place.
Today, treat your family, friends and the whole wide world
to a soul who has no thought of lying, cheating or stealing.
Today, body, mind and soul,
be the most valuable and powerful weapon in God's arsenal.
Happiness is knowing your true worth and strength.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Thursday, September 22, 2011
God will do for me,
what I cannot do
for myself,
but what I can do,
God will give me
the strength, courage and guidance
for me to complete the conquest.
"Self conquest is the greatest of victories." ~ Plato
Anger and fear are two of the greatest self destroyers that one
must conquer if one wishes to live a happy, joyous and free life.
Anger is the defense of fear.
Fear is the lack of knowing.
Fear and anger are conquered by knowledge.
Lear from the family, the friend, the colleagues, the stranger,
the professional, or any other lesson that your Higher Power
will give you, to learn that happiness is the reason for living.
The devil has his allies and happiness needs to avoid
mean people at all cost.
You cannot help those who do not want help.
Today, conquer your own fears and allow your anger
to be a quiet dislike for the mean things that greedy,
self centered and selfish politicians, preachers, bankers
and used car salesmen do to take advantage of nice people.
A raging maniac can only make a smug shyster smile at
the fear and rage they can instill in others and how easy
it is to dupe the unknowing.
Find a friend or ten and share knowledge, share the stories
of conquest won, and learn from each other how to live life
on God’s terms.
Conquer your own fears, addictions and bad habits first,
then you may help the world to solve it's problems.
Have faith that a Higher Power will give you the
strength to carry on and the guidance to learn
all that you will need to know to make you happy.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Ubiquitous: Existing,
or being everywhere,
all at the same time.
The Spirit of the Universe
is ubiquitous.
People try to give a Higher Power the same senses that people have,
but does the Energy of the Universe see, hear, taste, smell, or sense the touch
as people do??
Having a God that is like man is not the same as man being like God.
I have never heard of a ubiquitous man, have you ???
Believe whatever you want to believe, it is your choice,
but remember, a Higher Power gave you the chance.
Know that there is a God and it is not you.
Know that a Power Greater than ourselves can guide
our minds, hearts and souls to enjoy a happy existence.
Serenity, peace of mind and contentment are the rewards
of knowing that a Power Greater than ourselves will be
the final determiner when it is time to end all time, as we know it.
Attitude is ubiquitous, and your attitudes well being
is directly proportional to the strength of your spirituality.
Spirituality is your faith , your belief, in an ubiquitous Higher Power.
who represents a Universe full of love, happiness and peace.
Faith is knowing that a Higher Power put you on this earth
to carry the message of ubiquitous kindness.
Living is not a part time endeavor, living is not a self-centered occupation,
living is doing the will of the Spirit of the Universe.
Nourish and protect the physical body that is the home
to your God given senses, the means to know His world.
Nourish and expand your mind so that you never have
to fear that which is ubiquitous.
Always love and allow your heart to reach out to others so
that they may receive guidance from a Higher Power
who speaks through your words and actions.
Nourish your spirit with meditation and believe that your soul is one,
omnipresent, with the kind, happy and loving ubiquitous Spirit of the Universe.
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly
and have faith in what you chose to believe, knowing that
the Spirit of the Universe will understand ubiquitously.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Photo credit: Gail Ackerman
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Now you have it,
now you don't,
talents not used
can wither and die.
God said,
if you have the talent,
flaunt it.
"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best." ~ Henry Van Dyke
In Biblical times a talent was a unit of weight
used to measure the value of gold and silver.
Today talent usually refers to a special skill, athletic ability,
creative imagination, or artistic aptitude, a persons general
intelligence or mental power , their native abilities.
In the eyes of your Higher Power, the talents given to you
have more value than all the gold or silver on this Earth.
Talent is not a competition, you need to have only enough skills to please yourself,
your Higher Power, and maybe one other person.
Being able to cook and prepare food well is a talent that many people appreciate,
but not every one has to be Emeril.
Being able to design and make clothing that is functional and appealing is a talent,
but not every one has to be Christian Dior.
Being able to design and build a house that is unique and comfortable is a talent,
but not every one has to be Frank Lloyd Wright.
Your talents may never have you singing at the Met, playing ball for the Yankees,
or driving a race car at Daytona, but your talents may allow you to add your voice
to the local choir, play shuffleboard at the retirement community, or just drive safely
on your way to the super market.
"The person born with a talent they are meant to use,
will find their greatest happiness in using it." ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
The greatest talents one can have are to be an honest, kind, patient and tolerant,
forgiving, loving , the person God wants you to be.
Talents to be developed and enjoyed may include:
a.) learn to communicate better, yes and no are a good start,
b.) do not hide your feelings, please and thank you are a good start,
c.) share what makes you happy, cook, dance, sew, hammer, sing,
d.) do the next right thing, doing the will of your Higher Power is a real talent.
If you cannot participate, hone your talents and skills to be
a spectator, a supporter, the best cheer leader you can be.
"Happiness is a how; not a what.
A talent, not an object." ~ Hermann Hesse
God has blessed you if your talent is to be able to
humbly do one random act of senseless kindness each and every day.
You do not have to set the world on fire, just love being yourself,
and be grateful to your Higher Power for giving you the talents needed to do His will.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Faking it
until you
make it,
get you
the first
but to win and to get to the championship round, you must be authentic.
Actual, factual, the real deal, the honest Indian, bona fide,
genuine, and guaranteed to be nothing but the original
the perfect replication of the Masters work.
Being true to one's own personality, spirit, or character
is living out the will of your Higher Power, being the authentic you.
"The authentic self is the soul made visible." ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
Not like the Jonses', or not like your best friend, or not like the celebrity,
and definitely not like the pretend person you thought you wanted to be,
but the person who is kind, loving and is of service to self, others and to
their Higher Power.
Children play at dress up, play at cowboys and Indians,
doctor and nurse was always my favorite, and teacher/
preacher suited many a fantasy, but most adults learn
to put aside the acting when their pride says that it is "time to be me."
Some people never grow up, some are raised overly
protected by suffocating parents, and some use drugs
and alcohol to avoid reality, and sadly, some kill
themselves because they felt like they never fit in,
they believed wrongly that they did not belong.
If God made you, you will find a fit somewhere,
you do belong, you are worthy.
Some people find themselves without having to search,
those fortunate ones are patient and tolerant because they know that
the search for themselves is a constant and never ending journey,
the journey called life.
As long as you are being authentically you there is no need to act like
or try to look like someone who you are not.
Tattoos never reveal the true person, they never change.
You must change, all people grow older and hopefully wiser.
You do not try to change just by moving (geographical),
by finding new acquaintances to emulate or by doing things
differently because you couldn't be happy with the old routine.
You accept change because your Higher Power will give you the chance,
you must just decide which choice is the next right thing,
how can you best do His will ,
how can you make this world a better place for all.
The authentic you will make a choice that is best for your soul.
"An authentic life is the most personal form of worship.
Everyday life has become my prayer." ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
Be authentic, be kind.
Be authentic, be loving.
Be authentic, be tolerant and patient.
Be authentic, be forgiving.
Be authentic, be the person your Higher Power wants you to be.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Faking it
until you
make it,
get you
the first
but to win and to get to the championship round, you must be authentic.
Actual, factual, the real deal, the honest Indian, bona fide,
genuine, and guaranteed to be nothing but the original
the perfect replication of the Masters work.
Being true to one's own personality, spirit, or character
is living out the will of your Higher Power, being the authentic you.
"The authentic self is the soul made visible." ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
Not like the Jonses', or not like your best friend, or not like the celebrity,
and definitely not like the pretend person you thought you wanted to be,
but the person who is kind, loving and is of service to self, others and to
their Higher Power.
Children play at dress up, play at cowboys and Indians,
doctor and nurse was always my favorite, and teacher/
preacher suited many a fantasy, but most adults learn
to put aside the acting when their pride says that it is "time to be me."
Some people never grow up, some are raised overly
protected by suffocating parents, and some use drugs
and alcohol to avoid reality, and sadly, some kill
themselves because they felt like they never fit in,
they believed wrongly that they did not belong.
If God made you, you will find a fit somewhere,
you do belong, you are worthy.
Some people find themselves without having to search,
those fortunate ones are patient and tolerant because they know that
the search for themselves is a constant and never ending journey,
the journey called life.
As long as you are being authentically you there is no need to act like
or try to look like someone who you are not.
Tattoos never reveal the true person, they never change.
You must change, all people grow older and hopefully wiser.
You do not try to change just by moving (geographical),
by finding new acquaintances to emulate or by doing things
differently because you couldn't be happy with the old routine.
You accept change because your Higher Power will give you the chance,
you must just decide which choice is the next right thing,
how can you best do His will ,
how can you make this world a better place for all.
The authentic you will make a choice that is best for your soul.
"An authentic life is the most personal form of worship.
Everyday life has become my prayer." ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
Be authentic, be kind.
Be authentic, be loving.
Be authentic, be tolerant and patient.
Be authentic, be forgiving.
Be authentic, be the person your Higher Power wants you to be.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
is to know, to understand, and to become enlightened.
It is what it is.
EUREKA, AHA, WOW, I'VE GOT IT, do not need to be shouted every time a light bulb
comes on in your brain, a quiet sigh or a contented nod may be the only signal required to acknowledge your acceptance of God's world being exactly as it is supposed to be.
"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness;
but still will keep a bower quiet for us,
and a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health,
and quiet breathing..." ~John Keats
Life is beautiful.
Mother nature, other people, the arts, the music, the world you live in has many beautiful things to behold.
The ugly things in this world are created by sick people.
Stay away from sick people.
How to recognize a sick person; they are not quiet, they talk much, say little and if they ever do anything, they usually do the wrong thing at the wrong time.
"It is better to remain quiet
and be thought a fool,
than to open your mouth and prove it." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Today, be kind, if you cannot say something nice, be quiet.
Today, be loving, if you cannot tell the truth, be quiet.
Today, be patient and tolerant, avoid sick people, and quietly go on your own way.
Today, have a friend who knows that quiet time together is chicken soup for the soul.
"The good and the wise
lead quiet lives." ~ Euripides
Today, quietly do the will of your Higher Power.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Man Who Glowed
A metaphor for
the alcoholic life
is the candle
in the God Hole,
that candle that
burns in the area
where the heart
lives and loves.
The alcoholic, through constant drinking, tries to dowse the flame and put out the light.
A symptom of the disease of alcoholism is one where the suffering wants to isolate,
be alone, push away anyone who loves them and kill themselves.
In recovery, the God Hole candle begins to return to it’s former glow.
I met a man at an AA meeting whose candles glow and warmth filled the room.
His greeting for one and all was always the same: “If no one has told you today,
God loves you, and so do I.”
I wanted what he had; the sincerity, the humility, the serenity and the obvious
willingness to put doing the next right thing, the will of his Higher Power,
before concern for himself.
The glow of the candle from his God Hole was so bright and warm that it enhanced
the glow of everyone he came into contact with.
Although my friend is no longer with us here on earth, the light from his candle still
glows so that others may find peace of mind in sobriety.
Today, I may not drink alcohol, but I must still remain vigilant that my attitude
and my actions do not dim the brightness of my God Hole candle.
Today, I want the newcomer to AA to see me as one of the many whose glow
will lead them to sobriety and a new way of living that is happy, joyous and free.
Today, I will never forget those who have gone before me, those who taught
me how to enjoy the glow of the Spirit of the Universe.
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.” ~Buddha
ME and the Boss
A metaphor for
the alcoholic life
is the candle
in the God Hole,
that candle that
burns in the area
where the heart
lives and loves.
The alcoholic, through constant drinking, tries to dowse the flame and put out the light.
A symptom of the disease of alcoholism is one where the suffering wants to isolate,
be alone, push away anyone who loves them and kill themselves.
In recovery, the God Hole candle begins to return to it’s former glow.
I met a man at an AA meeting whose candles glow and warmth filled the room.
His greeting for one and all was always the same: “If no one has told you today,
God loves you, and so do I.”
I wanted what he had; the sincerity, the humility, the serenity and the obvious
willingness to put doing the next right thing, the will of his Higher Power,
before concern for himself.
The glow of the candle from his God Hole was so bright and warm that it enhanced
the glow of everyone he came into contact with.
Although my friend is no longer with us here on earth, the light from his candle still
glows so that others may find peace of mind in sobriety.
Today, I may not drink alcohol, but I must still remain vigilant that my attitude
and my actions do not dim the brightness of my God Hole candle.
Today, I want the newcomer to AA to see me as one of the many whose glow
will lead them to sobriety and a new way of living that is happy, joyous and free.
Today, I will never forget those who have gone before me, those who taught
me how to enjoy the glow of the Spirit of the Universe.
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.” ~Buddha
ME and the Boss
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Flash and Dash
One day
your life
will flash
before your eyes,
make sure its worth watching.
"The unlived life is not worth examining."
~ Tom Morris
You may wish to savor and enjoy the nuances of life, to slowly partake of life's best moments,
but beware, in retrospect you will see that they were there and then gone in a flash.
You made a mad dash to grow up, only to find out that childhood is the best time of ones life.
You made a mad dash to find a soul mate to grow old with, only to learn that the joy was in the
exploring. Be fortunate, chose a soul mate that enjoys exploring life with you.
If you have a fear that if you do not do it right now, in a flash, in a dash, there will not be anything
left for you, have faith, in God's time, all good things appear.
"It is the flash which appears, the thunder will follow.” ~ Voltaire
The flash and the dash are all for show, it is the spark and the glow that keep us on the go.
Flashy looks good but can it be kind and loving?
The dash is impressive, but the race goes to the consistent and the persistent.
A spark of kindness starts a fire of love. The glow of friendship keeps the soul happy.
A flash usually ends with a sizzle and a fizzle. The dash ends up with everyone gasping for air.
The spark and the glow patiently wait to highlight the next show.
"Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning, but wisdom is like the sun." ~ Franz Grillparzer
Today, be wise, chose your pace wisely.
Today, leave the flash to the pretentious.
Enjoy today, do not dash past a good moment.
The only person you need to impress is yourself.
God loves you.
Seek serenity.
Serenity is learning to change what you can and being willing to accept
that which you cannot change.
Do not waste today trying to catch a flash in the pan.
Do not waste today in a dash from here to there and forget to enjoy what life
has to offer along the way.
Be kind, catch the spark.
Be loving, fan the glowing ember.
Be the person God wants you to be and allow Him to set the pace.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Spirit of the Universe
is the source of all power
and it emanates through you.
You have the choice to do
with that power what you may.
Each individual’s aura,
their glow, their presence,
is a choice, hide it or show it.
The flower emanating its sweet smell is the essence of the Higher Power whose will created all.
"What's in a name?
That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
The red flower attracts the hummingbird, yet most scientist agree
that only humans can see colors.
God has given all living things the color, the smell, the feel (porcupines and cacti) to protect
themselves as well as to provide for their regeneration.
To be above all other living things humans have been given the additional talent of reasoning.
This talent cannot be used when one is under the mood altered influence of drugs or alcohol.
This talent cannot be used when rage and red are the only feelings and perception
that a person knows.
The talent of reasoning becomes clearer and stronger when you chose to do the next right thing,
the will of a loving Higher Power.
"When valor preys on reason,
it eats the sword it fights with."
Be brave, have faith, but above all, make the reason for your thoughts and actions to be of
maximum service to self, others and your Higher Power.
Emanate the glow of the power that is within you, not by words, but by deeds.
To have a Higher Power remove all your defects of character is as simple as doing for others
without concern or thought for yourself.
"Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind."
The most humble person glows the brightest.
Today, may the emanation of the power within you brighten your glow.
"To be or not to be that is the question.
Whether it is nobler in the mind
to suffer the stings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
or take up arms against a sea of troubles,
and by opposing them, end them."
Today, face the music, laugh, dance, sing and oppose your troubles
with the help of the emanation that flows through you.
Today, choose to emanate kindliness.
Today, choose to emanate love.
Today, choose to emanate the glow that your Higher Power has given you.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Today's quotes: William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
British Poet, Playwright, Actor
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Negative Fear
Negative fear??
O.K., the dumb
question is ???
What is
Positive Fear ???
Positive fears are the God given instinctive and sometimes
intuitive fears that protect us from harm, our survival instincts,
those fears that are rational:
If it looks and sounds like a tiger, run.
If it smells like rotten eggs, don't eat it.
If it tastes like alcohol, don't drink it.
Negative fears are the emotionally created paranoia's
(emotions: the junction between mental and physical.)
that we create to protect our feelings.
Will they protect our lives ???
Yes, if you can believe your own justifications for having those fears.
"I'm afraid of flying," said the little girl to her Grandmother.
The Grandmother asks, "how do you know that you are afraid of flying,
have you ever been in an airplane and taken a flight??"
"No", replies the little girl,
"but my mother told me that we should be afraid of flying."
Do Mothers always know best??
Do teachers and doctors always know what is best for you??
A good sponsor should know only what is best for themselves,
and if it can work for you, use it, if not, find another sponsor.
Isn't it wonderful to know that that given the odds
you will be right half of the time, the secret is to join the choir
that is singing the same tune that you are.
Listen to the argument, snap judgements based on negative irrational fears
and contempt prior to investigation has killed many a drunk.
The moral of the story is, examine your fears, seek out friends and professionals
to give you their opinions about your fears and keep the positive fears that will make
your life happy, joyous and free and give the rest , the negative fears, to a Higher Power,
who, given the strength of your faith, will protect you from harm and fears,
both real and imagined.
Fear is the lack of Faith.
Don't drink, go to meetings and fear only the "Know-it-all."
Happiness is an emotionally calm day.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves..
ME and the Boss
Negative fear??
O.K., the dumb
question is ???
What is
Positive Fear ???
Positive fears are the God given instinctive and sometimes
intuitive fears that protect us from harm, our survival instincts,
those fears that are rational:
If it looks and sounds like a tiger, run.
If it smells like rotten eggs, don't eat it.
If it tastes like alcohol, don't drink it.
Negative fears are the emotionally created paranoia's
(emotions: the junction between mental and physical.)
that we create to protect our feelings.
Will they protect our lives ???
Yes, if you can believe your own justifications for having those fears.
"I'm afraid of flying," said the little girl to her Grandmother.
The Grandmother asks, "how do you know that you are afraid of flying,
have you ever been in an airplane and taken a flight??"
"No", replies the little girl,
"but my mother told me that we should be afraid of flying."
Do Mothers always know best??
Do teachers and doctors always know what is best for you??
A good sponsor should know only what is best for themselves,
and if it can work for you, use it, if not, find another sponsor.
Isn't it wonderful to know that that given the odds
you will be right half of the time, the secret is to join the choir
that is singing the same tune that you are.
Listen to the argument, snap judgements based on negative irrational fears
and contempt prior to investigation has killed many a drunk.
The moral of the story is, examine your fears, seek out friends and professionals
to give you their opinions about your fears and keep the positive fears that will make
your life happy, joyous and free and give the rest , the negative fears, to a Higher Power,
who, given the strength of your faith, will protect you from harm and fears,
both real and imagined.
Fear is the lack of Faith.
Don't drink, go to meetings and fear only the "Know-it-all."
Happiness is an emotionally calm day.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves..
ME and the Boss
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Borrow what you need
and leave the rest.
If you believe that to barrow
means you get to keep it,
then you have a problem.
Photo Credit: Gail Ackerman
If you borrow it, you must return it.
The positive lessons of living life on God’s terms are to borrow good lessons from those
and leave the rest.
If you believe that to barrow
means you get to keep it,
then you have a problem.
Photo Credit: Gail Ackerman
If you borrow it, you must return it.
The positive lessons of living life on God’s terms are to borrow good lessons from those
who have gone before you and to share the lessons with those who want what you have.
"Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble." ~ George Washington
Borrowed, taken, or learned the hard way, life's lessons are of no value to you
if they are not shared and freely given to others.
Actions, not words, convey the lessons of life.
"That's what an army is -- a mob;
they don't fight with courage that's born in them,
but with courage that's borrowed from their mass,
and from their officers." ~ Mark Twain - 1835-1910
Have the courage to do the next right thing and be a part of the army that fights for the love
that is the will of your Higher Power, the Officer of Every Day.
Do not keep a list of those things you have loaned,
but never forget those from whom you have borrowed.
Always borrow from a pessimist, he never expects anything back.
Virtues are not like garden tools which you can borrow,
you will eventually have to possess some of your own.
Love, friendship, generosity, kindness, faith, hope, and joy are virtues you must have
"Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble." ~ George Washington
Borrowed, taken, or learned the hard way, life's lessons are of no value to you
if they are not shared and freely given to others.
Actions, not words, convey the lessons of life.
"That's what an army is -- a mob;
they don't fight with courage that's born in them,
but with courage that's borrowed from their mass,
and from their officers." ~ Mark Twain - 1835-1910
Have the courage to do the next right thing and be a part of the army that fights for the love
that is the will of your Higher Power, the Officer of Every Day.
Do not keep a list of those things you have loaned,
but never forget those from whom you have borrowed.
Always borrow from a pessimist, he never expects anything back.
Virtues are not like garden tools which you can borrow,
you will eventually have to possess some of your own.
Love, friendship, generosity, kindness, faith, hope, and joy are virtues you must have
as a foundation to build a life that is worth sharing.
Courage, discipline, honesty, willingness, self reliance, emotional boundaries and self esteem
Courage, discipline, honesty, willingness, self reliance, emotional boundaries and self esteem
are learned values that are meant to be shared with family and friends.
If you believe that your dysfunctional family taught you the wrong values, get a new family.
If you have friends who are as crazy as you are, have fun.
It is hard to play on the see-saw if you are all alone.
Put balance in your life, have friends who know how to share, one's who will not roll off
If you believe that your dysfunctional family taught you the wrong values, get a new family.
If you have friends who are as crazy as you are, have fun.
It is hard to play on the see-saw if you are all alone.
Put balance in your life, have friends who know how to share, one's who will not roll off
of the bottom of the see-saw while you are dangling from the high end.
Friendship can never be bought, borrowed or sold, it is a gift to be cherished,
a treasure beyond compare.
Today must not borrow from tomorrow.
Be kind, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be loving, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be the person God wants you to be, you are living on His borrowed time.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Friendship can never be bought, borrowed or sold, it is a gift to be cherished,
a treasure beyond compare.
Today must not borrow from tomorrow.
Be kind, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be loving, borrowing or loaning is not required.
Be the person God wants you to be, you are living on His borrowed time.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Monday, July 11, 2011
Games People Play
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Photo credit: Gail Ackerman |
Hide and Seek,
find my emotions,
is a game
that some adults
to stop playing.
Fear, you may learn too much about me if I let my emotions show.
Fear, you may use my emotional weaknesses to hurt me if I tell you too much about myself.
Fear, you may not like me if you know too much about my emotional personae.
So we'll play the game of you tell me one thing about you and I'll tell you one thing about me.
So we'll play the game that I'll say that I agree with you, even when I don't.
So we'll play the game of I'll tell you, only if you promise not to tell anyone else.
So eventually the fear, distrust and the lies are found out and the Game is Over,
no more friendship, no more relationship, no more marriage.
Grow up, stop playing games.
The rules of the game say that first you must know yourself.
There can be no two sets of rules, one for you and one for others.
Emotions and motives may only be positive: no fear, hate, distrust, jealousy, envy, spite
or other feelings which may harm you or others are allowed in the game.
Other important rules include:
No lying, No cheating, and No stealing.
(Unless it is stealing second base during the family picnic softball game.)
Lawyer language should not be needed to outline or detail the rules of engagement.
No disclaimers allowed.
Faith, hope, courage, kindness, and love are feelings the God has given man
to make this world a better place to live.
Misuse of these emotions violates the rules of God's game.
Be honest, obeying the rules of common decency is everyone's responsibility.
Be open minded, accept God's world as it is, not as you think it should be.
Be willing, change is a part of growing, some rules are made to be broken.
Have faith that those who do the will of a Higher Power are all winners in the game of life.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Friday, July 1, 2011
Good days,
bad days,
average days,
it is your
that makes
the difference. Photo credit : Gail Ackerman
The good days are a blessing, even though there are mean people who will try to ruin everyone’s
dreams, because mean people are not happy and they do not want anyone else to be happy and
they definitely do not want to try to be above average.
Unfortunately, the bad days occur, a little rain must fall into everyone's life.
Trying to make the average days exciting or even memorable is the real talent of a positive
thinking person.
"What a distressing contrast there is
between the radiant intelligence of the child
and the feeble mentality of the average adult." ~ Sigmund Freud
Teachers of children usually have exciting lives because the enthusiasm of the children
influences the teacher.
Become a teacher, every day.
Teach yourself a new word every day.
Teach yourself to expand your gratitude list.
Teach yourself to become enthusiastic about average things.
Enthusiastic: (Greek) En - inside, Theos - God, the word means: the God within you.
Enthusiasm is to show your God given joy for living.
Teach others, children from one to ninety-two, how to live a better than average, enthusiastic,
memorable and blessed daily life.
You are the average of what you expect from life.
Learn and teach that your Higher Power will meet your needs.
Today, without a better than average attitude, today will be just another average day.
Perspective is how you look at life, not how you assume others see your life.
You do not have to judge what your average is by those around you.
Lift your friends and family above the average.
If your friends and family are too heavy to lift, find some new friends and send the family a post
card, or e-mail them a picture, and let them see how you enjoy living a life that is above average.
The joy of living is in giving the effort to try to be better than average.
Today, try to be more kind. Today, try to be more loving.
Today, laugh louder and sing louder than average.
Today, try to do more of the will of your Higher Power.
The will of a Higher Power is to make this world a better than average place to live.
Today, do not aspire to have an average day.
Good, bad or average, it is your perspective , your attitude that will be judged at days end.
Today, change your attitude to be better than average.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The trouble
with parents
is that
by the time
they are experienced,
they are unemployed.
We are the people our parents warned us about.
"The incomparable stupidity of life
teaches us to love our parents;
divine philosophy teaches us to forgive them." ~ Baron Brede de Montesquieu
Having a child does not make one a parent any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.
God's world is evolving faster and faster and as each generation produces more knowledge the
parents of the next generation are always one step behind.
The telephone of 100 years ago was connected by wires to those parts of the world
that could be reached, today's generation is texting messages around the world faster
than they can get up the courage to ask their parents about the facts of life.
Stuck between the generation that invented Mother's Day and Father's Day and a generation
that may clone its next progeny is a difficult conundrum for the current generation.
The solution to finding the lost generation is to teach love, the will of a Higher Power.
The will of a Higher Power has transcended every generation since the beginning of time.
A baby understands love and the warmth of a parents caress before they ever know their first word.
Be kind, every generation has reaped the benefits of kindliness.
Be loving, understand that race, creed and national origin will be issues for many a generation to come,
and if they know kindness and love the issues will be easier to resolve.
Share the technology, the education, the love and become a parent to the world.
"The wise man must remember
that while he is a descendant of the past,
he is a parent of the future.” ~ Herbert Spencer
Our differences should be in how we can resolve to overcome a problem, not in how we see each other.
Three heads can solve a problem better than one, even if the heads are black, white and yellow.
"The pressures of being a parent are equal to any pressure on earth.
To be a conscious parent,
and really look to that little being's mental and physical health,
is a responsibility which most of us, including me,
avoid most of the time because it's too hard." ~ John Lennon
Hard is as hard as you make it.
Fear is a lack of knowledge.
Sometimes it is hard to love the ignorant and the rebellious, but children need to be shown
that love and learning can make fear go away.
Parent or child, there is no need to wait for one special day a year to celebrate the love for one another.
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Photo Credit: Gail Ackerman
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Like father,
like son.
it is
or the
the apple usually
does not fall far from the tree.
Just as every person has a different concept of what their
Higher Power is, so does every person have a different
idea of what a father is or what a father should be.
Any man can be a father,
it takes someone special to be a dad.
"By the time a man realizes
that maybe his father was right,
he usually has a son
who thinks he's wrong." ~ Charles Wadworth
Right or wrong, physically present or absent,
emotionally present or absent, just about everyone has
a father figure that they can remember.
Some may have more than one.
Most well balanced people grow with the ability
to learn from the many fathers, coaches, mentors,
teachers, preachers, rabbis, priests, shamans,
or maybe just the man next door, those who
were a part of your learning about life's purpose or meaning.
Best friends growing up were proud to share
with you the good virtues of their fathers.
Everyone loved the mother who could bake:
OOps, different subject for a different time.
The most important lessons in life are those lessons
that teach one about emotions, about feelings, what they feel like,
how to express them to others, what is appropriate or inappropriate
when it comes to showing your feelings.
Love, but do not hate.
Like the good, but dislike the bad.
Be kind, and humbly accept kindness.
Have the courage to do the next right thing.
Have the honesty to say I do not know, let us learn together.
Show sincerity in all that you do.
Have the willingness to change.
Be the person your children think you are.
"Son, brother, father, lover, friend.
There is room in the heart for all the affections,
as there is room in heaven for all the stars." ~ Victor Hugo
Today, do the will of your Higher Power.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
In loving memory of
Guy Robert Erb,
Born August 13th, 1916.
Photo credit: Gail Ackerman
like son.
it is
or the
the apple usually
does not fall far from the tree.
Just as every person has a different concept of what their
Higher Power is, so does every person have a different
idea of what a father is or what a father should be.
Any man can be a father,
it takes someone special to be a dad.
"By the time a man realizes
that maybe his father was right,
he usually has a son
who thinks he's wrong." ~ Charles Wadworth
Right or wrong, physically present or absent,
emotionally present or absent, just about everyone has
a father figure that they can remember.
Some may have more than one.
Most well balanced people grow with the ability
to learn from the many fathers, coaches, mentors,
teachers, preachers, rabbis, priests, shamans,
or maybe just the man next door, those who
were a part of your learning about life's purpose or meaning.
Best friends growing up were proud to share
with you the good virtues of their fathers.
Everyone loved the mother who could bake:
OOps, different subject for a different time.
The most important lessons in life are those lessons
that teach one about emotions, about feelings, what they feel like,
how to express them to others, what is appropriate or inappropriate
when it comes to showing your feelings.
Love, but do not hate.
Like the good, but dislike the bad.
Be kind, and humbly accept kindness.
Have the courage to do the next right thing.
Have the honesty to say I do not know, let us learn together.
Show sincerity in all that you do.
Have the willingness to change.
Be the person your children think you are.
"Son, brother, father, lover, friend.
There is room in the heart for all the affections,
as there is room in heaven for all the stars." ~ Victor Hugo
Today, do the will of your Higher Power.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
In loving memory of
Guy Robert Erb,
Born August 13th, 1916.
Photo credit: Gail Ackerman
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
"They say
it is better
to be poor and happy
than rich and miserable,
but how about a compromise
like moderately rich
and just moody?"
~ Princess Diana
Compromise works in many situations, however,
the reality to a person with an addictive behavior,
alcohol, drugs, over-eating, gambling, bulimia, anorexia,
sex, workaholic, and the list goes on, and on, and on,
is that there is no compromise,
there is only complete abstinence and the
willingness to change,
one day at a time.
Left without a program of treatment the old stinking thinking
is guaranteed to return, along with the misery, the guilt and shame
the self defeating attitude of "We are not worthy."
God said you are worthy, addictive behaviors can be held in remission
for long periods of time, proving one does not stop treatment.
Today, let the compromising for those that can afford it.
Today, share the love, share the message, "there is a better way"
when one afflicted person helps another.
Happiness is a program that knows no compromise.
ME and the Boss
Photo credit: Gail Ackerman
Monday, June 13, 2011
Such a small word
yet it has so many
degrees of meaning
that we can become
a slave to its
What is free.
Who is free.
Where does free come from ??
Without other people teaching us we cannot learn what free is.
Without the freedom to go to other places we
would have nothing to compare our lives to.
Without the giving and taking of things we would never learn the
value of what free is.
No person is an island.
No person is free of conscious.
No person is free from having to make choices.
Free is not having a negative feeling, even though most negative
feelings are freely given.
Free is not being a slave to an addictive substance or behavior.
By being obligated to doing the next right thing, we free ourselves to enjoy life.
Free is a responsibility to make the right choice.
Free is to allow ourselves to make a choice that will permit
us to do the will of a Higher Power.
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." ~ Michelangelo
Free is using our God given talents to make this world a better place to live.
It is free to show kindness.
It is free to be patient and tolerant.
It is free to forgive.
It is free to show love
It is free to be the person God wants us to be.
Use your free choice to be better than what is expected.
If your life is free of failures, you're not taking enough risks.
Today, decide for yourself, make a choice, think about free and make it work for you.
Today, free yourself from negative feelings and bad habits.
Today, make a gratitude list and thank your Higher Power
for all the people, places and things that are free in your life..
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Show Me
"Be interesting,
be enthusiastic...
and don't talk
too much."
~ Norman Vincent Peale
Do not tell me, you know, show me you understand by doing the next right thing.
Be kind, not just in words, start with a smile and believe it is not just what you
give but the motives behind how you give that matters the most.
Be loving, not just in words, start with a hug and believe that unconditional love
will relieve you of any disparaging, resentful or envious thoughts.
Be patient and tolerant, no words needed.
Do not talk about God, show the world that the love
of your Higher Power shines brightly from within you.
Happiness is knowing that actions speak louder than words.
Happiness is using wise words sparingly, I love you...
Happiness is helping someone help and love themselves.
ME and the Boss
Friday, June 3, 2011

Stuff, stuff, love the stuff,
but who do you love??
Stuff is easy to love because;
Stuff is easy to love because;
stuff is yours,
stuff rarely changes,
stuff does not talk back,
stuff does not talk back,
stuff does not have feelings
that can be hurt,
stuff can be discarded,
stuff can be discarded,
and you can change your stuff without asking.
Loving another person is not like loving stuff.
You do not own another person.
You may have an invested interest in a mate or
an obligation to a child or parent, but not ownership.
People are going to grow and change and you must learn to accept the changes
Loving another person is not like loving stuff.
You do not own another person.
You may have an invested interest in a mate or
an obligation to a child or parent, but not ownership.
People are going to grow and change and you must learn to accept the changes
and grow with them or detach and move on with life.
People have thoughts and feelings and to love another is to allow them to think and feel
People have thoughts and feelings and to love another is to allow them to think and feel
You do not discard a love like you would an old pair of shoes.
You can only ask for another person to change, you cannot make them change.
To love another person is to love their quirks, their habits,
their way of thinking and their way of feeling.
Treat sensitive , insecure, paranoid people with kindness.
Stay away from mean people.
Treat old friends, the ones who know you well, the same way you want to be treated.
"No object is so beautiful that,
under certain conditions,
it will not look ugly." ~ Oscar Wilde
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Stuff or people, love what you love.
Do not be envious of other peoples stuff or of their loves.
Do not allow gluttony or obsessive behaviors make
you become over stuffed with your own stuff.
"Jealousy would be far less torturous
if we understood that love is a passion
entirely unrelated to our merits.” ~ Paul Eldridge
Love a balanced life; love self, love others, love stuff,
and love your Higher Power, who gave you everything.
You need to know why you love something,
you do not need to know why somebody loves you.
You must love the stuff that makes you happy.
Love those people and the stuff that makes you a better person,
the person God wants you to be.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
"Each of us
has the right
and the responsibility
to asses the road
which lie ahead
and those over which
we have traveled,
and if the feature road
looms ominous or unpromising,
and the road back
then we need to gather
our resolve and carrying
only the necessary baggage,
step off that road
into another direction.
If the new choice is also unpalatable,
without embarrassment,
we must be ready to change that one as well." ~ Maya Angelou
Change, balance, resolve, necessary, responsibility; words that
the average, ordinary, mature person faces every day without
dread or hesitation.
Sometimes the specter of change looms as a life altering possibility
when in true perspective the change has already occurred
and the pain we feel is in the not being able to let go.
Don't know if you are coming or going, let go and let God,
a loving Higher Power will give you the chance,
the choice to do for yourself what is the next right thing.
Remember, if it is not good for you, it will not be good for anybody.
What we often feel as a possible harm done to others by altering
a relationship may be in fact a blessing in disguise for them and yourself
because boundaries and respect have been so clouded and tainted
by mistrust and fear that what we perceive as guilt and shame
is a past that must be forgiven.
Today, be responsible, change, move on, learn from the past
so that the insanity does not have to be repeated, plan for the future
but understand that the most important day is today
and doing what makes you happy is the best thing you will do for yourself,
others and your Higher Power.
Today, do the will of the Great Creator, the God of your understanding,
be kind, be loving, be patient and tolerant, be forgiving ,
be responsible,
and be the person God wants you to be, the person who will make
this world a better place for having you in it.
Happiness is unconditional love.
ME and the Boss
has the right
and the responsibility
to asses the road
which lie ahead
and those over which
we have traveled,
and if the feature road
looms ominous or unpromising,
and the road back
then we need to gather
our resolve and carrying
only the necessary baggage,
step off that road
into another direction.
If the new choice is also unpalatable,
without embarrassment,
we must be ready to change that one as well." ~ Maya Angelou
Change, balance, resolve, necessary, responsibility; words that
the average, ordinary, mature person faces every day without
dread or hesitation.
Sometimes the specter of change looms as a life altering possibility
when in true perspective the change has already occurred
and the pain we feel is in the not being able to let go.
Don't know if you are coming or going, let go and let God,
a loving Higher Power will give you the chance,
the choice to do for yourself what is the next right thing.
Remember, if it is not good for you, it will not be good for anybody.
What we often feel as a possible harm done to others by altering
a relationship may be in fact a blessing in disguise for them and yourself
because boundaries and respect have been so clouded and tainted
by mistrust and fear that what we perceive as guilt and shame
is a past that must be forgiven.
Today, be responsible, change, move on, learn from the past
so that the insanity does not have to be repeated, plan for the future
but understand that the most important day is today
and doing what makes you happy is the best thing you will do for yourself,
others and your Higher Power.
Today, do the will of the Great Creator, the God of your understanding,
be kind, be loving, be patient and tolerant, be forgiving ,
be responsible,
and be the person God wants you to be, the person who will make
this world a better place for having you in it.
Happiness is unconditional love.
ME and the Boss
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