Monday, April 16, 2012



May your

moral compass

always point






"Conscience is a man's compass."        ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Check the map of your life, your moral conscious and if you consciously
seek happiness today, you will find it. Have an attitude of gratitude.

Thank your Higher Power for giving you another day to celebrate living
a life of service. Happiness is looking for the things in life that are pleasing.
If your compass is upside down you will find trouble. Look for the negative
and you will find it. Dwell on the negative and you will be miserable.
Live in today, the here and now, and do your best to keep your compass
right side up. Do not know where your compass is, look inside of yourself.

If you do not know which way your compass is pointing, ask a friend.
Keep life a simple matter, check your moral compass on an as needed basis,
and make sure it is always pointed towards the better things for everyone.
Lying, cheating and stealing only complicate ones life.
Do not rely solely on your thinking, sometimes your best thinking
is what may put you in harms way.

Learn to rely on your feelings and be aware of when your compass
may be out of alignment with the will of your Higher Power.
When you know in your heart that this is the best you can do,
be happy and enjoy.

Live up to your expectations for yourself, not the expectations
others may have for you.

Compasses never need fixing.

You are lying if you say your compass is broken, you are cheating if you hold
your finger on the needed and do not feel what is in your heart, you are stealing
when you try to manipulate the compass of another person.

God has given everyone a compass; learn to use your compass often and wisely.
Share your compass with others until they learn how to read their own.
Do not try to be the compass of another person, unless they ask,
or the judge request that you sit on the jury.

God is His own judge and jury; He does not need your help.

Keep your compass clean so you may see it clearly.
Avoid the dark when it becomes impossible to see your compass.

Today, may all of your compass points be good feelings of happiness,
kindness, patience and tolerance, love and understanding, and willingness
to do the next right thing.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves

ME and the Boss






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