Do something, anything,
and be happy with what you
have learned,
even if what
you did was not up to your
As long as you try something
you will learn something.
You may learn that you must
try harder.
You may learn that you should
not try so hard.
You may learn that you need to be
better prepared to try something.
You may learn that it was too easy,
no challenge.
You may learn that it was too hard,
too frustrating.
You may learn that it was enjoyable
and worth a repeat.
You may learn that it was a terrible experience,
not worth
the effort and definitely not something to be done again.
It does not matter what you are doing; work, play, chores,
relationships, teaching the children,
there will be many different
ways of attempting to complete your goal.
Rate your task; easy, hard, impossible, and take on the easiest
ones first, unless an urgency is demanding your attention.
Completing an easy task teaches you a sense of rewarding
accomplishment and will motivate you
to try to learn more.
Be prepared.
Even the easiest jobs or chores can be made easier if you
using the right tool for the job.
Ask for help, someone may have done that job before and they may know
a few tricks and shortcuts that can make mole hills out of a mountain.
Let a pro do it.
If a job needs immediate attention and you do not have six years
to wait until you get your doctorate in how to solve the world’s
problems, ask a pro and let a qualified expert make your life easier.
You will know that the job was done right, the job was
done on time, and that you can take credit
for knowing your limits.
You did not quit, the expert just happened to be the right tool
for the job
and you were smart enough to know which tool to use.
"Human beings,
by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,
can change the outer aspects of their lives.” ~ William James
Things will change, whether you get involved or not.
Today, decide what you want to get involved
in and do your best to make it better.
Start with getting involved in your own happiness.
Learn to know the difference between what you need and what you
want and if you do not know, ask your Higher Power to teach you the difference.
Do not get involved in other peoples affairs, unless ask
Today do not say "I know."
Today, do the will of your Higher Power.
Today, open your heart
and love those who need it.
Today, pray for the sick and miserable that they may find peace in their own
back yard instead of trying to seek their happiness by trashing your garden.
Today, don't quit, learn from the experience.
Happiness is having friends that care and love to share.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
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