Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Good Plan



Have a good day,

unless you've

made other plans.


"Efforts and Courage

are not enough without

Purpose and Direction."

~ John F. Kennedy



You know well about the best laid plans

of mice and men, however, without a thought

nothing ever happens.

Some people are morning thinkers, others think they know better after dark.

Some people plan weeks in advance, others plan a minute before the action begins.

Actions and Attitudes, you need a plan for both.

Go to work, with a good Attitude.

Go to school, with a good Attitude.

Do the household chores, with a good Attitude.

Run the shopping errands, with a good Attitude.

Meet with friends and family, with a good Attitude.

Smile when you answer the telephone,

the person on the other end can hear your Attitude.

At the end of the day you may have not done all that you had planned,

but if you kept to your plan of doing whatever you did with a good Attitude,

you will have had a good day.

You should have a basic plan that works for you, a plan that makes every day

start out well and end well.

A good way to start your day is to make a gratitude list. Try to get your attitude

on the good feelings side of your emotional barometer before you plan anything else.

To enhance your plan for today try to find the time to help one other person.

Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.

Have a good attitude, a good plan and share with others who may need your guidance.

There is more than enough bad advice and bad attitudes in the world already,

no need for you to add to the pile.

You may not be able to change the world, but you can change you.

Live in the now, but plan as though your Higher Power has more for you to do.

Doing the will of a loving God knowing that being of service to self,

others and your Higher Power is always the best plan.

"The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness."   ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

An attitude of happiness is a good plan.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






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