Monday, December 20, 2010

Wide Open

The mind, the heart, the soul,

to be able to receive,  

they must never be closed.


"Life does not consist mainly,

or even largely,
of facts and happenings.
It consists mainly

of the storm of thought
that is forever flowing

through one's head.?   ~ Mark Twain

That storm of thoughts going through our heads are the feelings we have when we are

confronted with reality, perceived or actual.

The negative or addictive reaction to confusion, lost or hopelessness is to shut down,

clam up, lock out or to attempt to hide.

Confused is the person whose mind is closed.

Lost is the person who cannot have feelings within their heart.

Hopeless is the person who has no faith in a Higher Power.

Wide open is the approach needed to have a life that is able to do the will of a Higher Power.

Do not let the facts confuse you,

do not believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

Wide open is to learn to trust those who have what you want.

Peace of mind is the reward for the trusting wide open mind.

Positive feelings must occupy the heart if you want to find your way in life.

Faith is the guiding light for the hopeless soul.

Wide open is to believe that a Power Greater than ourselves

already knows what our souls desire.

Serenity is the reward for having a wide open soul that has a faith that cannot waiver.

Wide open is to allow your Higher Power to take the fear, hate,

confusion, doubt and mistrust from your mind, heart and soul.

Wide open is to change your no, into an, I know.

Wide open is to change your I might, into a, yes I will.

Wide open is to change your I can't, into a, yes I did.

Wide open is acceptance.

Happiness is the reward for having your heart wide open to hope.



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