Monday, October 22, 2012


  Who are we to think

that we can compete with God.

We might think that something

is or is not perfect, but what a

Higher Power knows will be

the last word.

"Perfectionism is not a quest for the best.
It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves,
the part that tells us that nothing we do
will ever be good enough -
that we should try again."   ~ Julia Cameron

First we must consider that perfect is a relative word.

Everyone has a different perspective on what is perfect.

You cannot please all the people all the time and remember

to include yourself in that number.

Secondly, anything we do is good enough, unless someone

else is paying you to do something different.

Sometimes it becomes impossible to work for the perfectionist.

Next, we must consider that perfectionism is a waste of time.

Why would one want to spend three days trying to perfect

one idea when you could have completed three ideas,

one each day, one day at a time, and those three ideas would be

good enough to please some of the people some of the time.

How you do the job is of no consequence, a left handed and a right handed

person usually attempt to do the same job by starting it at different angles,

just remember that the goal is to get the job done.

Even between two perfectionists there is room for a happy medium.

"Perfectionism is the enemy of creation,
as extreme self-solitude is the enemy of well-being."   ~ John Updike 

Expectations become an important part of learning how to change

the bad habit of perfectionism.

Make your expectations realistic and attainable.

Lowering your expectations to make sure that you can succeed

is not a sign of imperfection in your character.

Succeeding at lesser goals usually means that you have just rearranged

your ultimate goal into smaller steps.

Perfectionism is a bad habit.

Anyone can break a habit.

Accept the new habit of peace and serenity in your life.

Accept that as one grows older, what is done is done, perfect or not.

Allow a Higher Power to select many goals and expectations to come

into your life so that you can do His/Her will.

A well rounded life that has attempted many things can be much more

rewarding than not succeeding at perfecting anything.

Life goes on, what was perfect yesterday is now perfect history

and today's expectations are in the hand of God.

Have faith that a perfect tomorrow will be given to those

that have been blessed by their Higher Power.

For those who want to live life perfectly today,

let us just say that we did.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






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