Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Under That Tree

I just read a post written

(and very well I might add)

by a teacher who wondered about the child

who did not join in with the others during

outdoor recess, but chose to stand under

a lone tree in the yard. The writer attempted

to surmise why one would choose to not

join the others and some of the suppositions

were almost accurate, however, I know the deep seated reason

because I was one who stood under the tree.

There is a minority of people in this world whose brains are on backwards,

"The Kindred Spirits of the Backward Brain," and their minds are always racing

and making unjustified and unwarranted suppositions that were never true, but,

to the backward brain they made sense. No one likes me, I am not good enough,

what if I fail, trip, can't keep up, they'll laugh at me, negative, negative, negative

and the tree understands. The tree does not judge, the tree doesn't care, the tree

provides a perfect place to hide, and the tree and I know the truth.

The truth is that there is a neurological malfunction in the brain that does not permit

the proper transmission or reception of  the chemicals in the brain.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, Obsessive Compulsive, extrovert, introvert,

to a level where the daily expected routines and social interactions are disrupted.

The addictive personality, I'll show you, I'll kill myself with posion, alcohol, drugs,

food, work, sex, or any other form of instant gratification that comes down the pike

is the usual pathway that the troubled mind follows.

One is to many and a thousand are never enough.

They isolate, but when the do join in it is the bizarre, the occult, the shock value to

the norm that helps their infiority complex justify its existence.

Let us all get peircings, tattoos, wear black and pretend that we are all different

while all the time we are screaming for inclusion into this world,

knowing we can't see the forest for the tree.

Science and medicine are daily finding out more on how the brain functions, which

areas of the brain control which survival functions, pleasure centers, eating triggers,

aging and which chromosones  will genetically predisposition  one to become a part

of the lost ten percent, the kindred spirits of the backward brain.

Love, patience, tolerance, forgiveness and a willingness to look past the tree

have allowed many of the lost to find their way, however, anger and hate are

still a part of our DNA and much more needs to be studied until a true cure is found.

Today, do your part to put the fun in dys"FUN"ction, hug a tree.


ME and the Boss





1 comment:

  1. Aw, I am beyond honored that you took the time to read my post and then write this. I completely agree with all you have said! These children that are left to stand alone, to hide, to be ignored - they are all left to potentially become one of the troubled people you describe. While anti-bullying movements have grown in numbers these days, there will never be an end completely. Students who are left out - and people in general - are bullied by exclusion. And you are right - the tree doesn't judge, the tree doesn't care. I teach my own children to seek out the forgotten children on the playground, the ones who kick a rock around, pretend to be busy, or spend time with a tree. I tell them to include them and to never let anyone be alone, especially day after day. What a sad existence to be in a sea of people day after day and feel as though you are invisible. Thank you so much again - I really, really appreciate your words!!
